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"NOW YOU JUST NEED TO kiss Peter and you've got them all. Obviously leaving Sirius out because, you know..."

Cassiopeia simply stared at her best friend, looking unamused. Cass looked practically everywhere for the Hufflepuff, finally finding the girl with her nose stuffed in her homework in an almost abandoned library. 

As soon as she took the seat opposite Liv, she spewed out everything that happened, from the night prior of her flirting with Remus before vomiting, to that morning and the kiss. The kiss that left her blushing for hours afterwards. The kiss that replayed in her mind which in return caused a bubbly feeling in her stomach. 

"It's like you're catching Pokémons," The blonde snorted.

A confused look washed over Cass, "What?"

Olivia was chuckling to herself, clearly very amused, "Nothing, nothing," She dismissed, waving her hand, "So, how was it?" The Hufflepuff pushed her Transfiguration book further away. She was definitely more interested in this conversation than her schoolwork. 

Cassiopeia felt her cheeks heating up and she cursed herself for it, "It was incredible," She breathed out, her eyes recalling the memory of what happened only a couple of hours ago.

Liv let out an excited squeal, which of course, resulted in Madam Pince scolding at them, her dark eyes glaring at the two girls, but neither of them cared. Cass was still deep in her own mind whilst Liv grinned at her best friend, noticing the loved up look on her face. A look Cassiopeia had never been spotted with. 

"You really like him, don't you?" 

Cass' eyes fell upon her best friend, "Potentially," She tried keeping her face emotionless but she just couldn't and a grin broke out, "Okay, yes. I do, there I'm finally admitting it."

Liv let out another excited squeal before her baby blue eyes suddenly looked behind Cassiopeia. A smirk appearing on her face. Puzzled, the Slytherin girl glanced over her shoulder, her breath hitched in her throat when she spotted Remus Lupin standing next to a bookshelf, his hand fiddling with his bag strap.

When his eyes met hers, he sent her a genuine smile as he walked closer. Cass couldn't keep the smile off of her face. Her eyes even lit up when Remus got closer, she spotted the faint blush that covered his scarred cheeks.

"You forgot your shoes," He finally said, reaching into his bag, taking out a black pair of heels. The very same ones Cass wore the night before.

"Thank you," She said, reaching to grab them, as she did, Olivia suddenly jumped out of her seat, "Oh, shoot, I just forgot I had to go...meet...do that thing," The blonde said in a rushed voice, from the smirk on her face Cass instantly knew that her best friend didn't need to go anywhere, "See you later!" She yelled, rushing away from Remus and Cass; whilst being scolded by Madam Pince.

Biting her lip, Cassiopeia glanced up at Remus, both of their faces were bright pink as they kept stealing glances at one another.

"I'll leave you--"

"Do you want--"

The pair spoke over one another, stopping quickly in embarrassment before chuckling softly, "I was just gonna ask if you wanted to go up to the Astronomy Tower?" The black haired girl questioned, her hands were fiddling with the heels that were now placed on her lap.

Remus' grin widened, "I'd love that."

With a smile on her face, Cassiopeia placed each of the heels into each pocket and stood up, dusting her clothes off any invisible dirt. She could feel the heat staying in her cheeks as the both of them walked through the semi-busy hallways of Hogwarts, her arm bursting over his until finally she got the courage to intertwine their fingers together.

"How are you feeling?" The Slytherin questioned once both she and Remus got comfortable besides each other on the balcony, overlooking the school grounds. She let her eyes fall onto Remus, noticing his tired expression. The full moon was nearing and it was obvious that Remus was already feeling its effects. 

"I'm okay," He told her, turning his head to look at her, "Bit tired but it's nothing unusual."

Silence filled the air between the two teenagers. They would steal glances at one another every so often, acting like a bunch of lovesick teenagers; which is exactly what they were.

"D-Do you regret it?"

Remus head shot up. Cassiopeia refused to meet his eyes, "No," He shook his head, his voice was barely above a whisper, "Of course I don't regret it, but..."

Cass sighed, "Of course there's a but," She mumbled, her piercing blue eyes looking out onto the fields around the school. The snow was melting now, the green colours of the grass finally started coming back to view. 

"Cass, I'm...I'm not good enough for you."

Cassiopeia finally turned to look at the Gryffindor boy.

"I'm a monster. I'm not worthy of your love," He said sadly, "You deserve better than me."

"How many times do I have to tell you that you're not a monster?" She asked, inching closer as she looked at him with a saddened expression, "You're the sweetest, kindest person I have ever met Remus John Lupin. You are so worthy of love and good things, please don't you ever forget that," Cass told him, her hands clasped his, her knuckles stroking his thumb softly as he watched her with a look on his face that she has never seen before, "Plus, I'm a bigger bitch when it's my time of the month that you are. So, trust me, I can handle it."

Smiles broke out on both of their faces. Their eyes never looked away from one another's. This just seemed like the perfect scene. The sun was slowly beginning to set, the purple and orange hues mixing together like on a canvas. But neither of the teenagers cared about that. They were simply too occupied with looking at one another, without a single care in the world.

This time, it was Cassiopeia that made the first move. She inched even closer before gently placing her lips against his, her hands touching his cheeks tenderly as his instantly went to grab her waist. As soon as their lips met, it was like all of their worries just washed away. They stayed up there for the rest of the evening. Stealing kisses and cuddling up to one another when the cold air surrounded them. It was absolutely perfect.

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