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CASSIOPEIA BLACK ABSOLUTELY LOVED DEFENCE against the Dark Arts and it wasn't just because she wanted to become a Auror one day, but it was also the fact that she had a double period of it and her partner for the year was the one and only Remus Lupin; the boy that absolutely excelled in the subject. He was by far the best DADA student in the whole year; if not in the whole school. 

The black haired girl wasn't one to find school work interesting, however, every subject in their DADA classes were exceptionally interesting, something that made up for the constant professor swap that happened at the start of every year. She was more than excited to learn about Nonverbal Spells, alway finding the whole concept fascinating. 

As she scribbled down notes on her parchment and ignored Sirius' constantly snickering that would come every time he managed to throw a tiny piece of parchment into his sister's long hair. Her attention only left her work when she heard the sound of the door opening and almost every student that was doing their work turned around all at once.

"May I please borrow Mr. Lupin?" Professor McGonagall asked, her face was expressionless but Cassiopeia didn't miss the sadness that swam in her eyes. 

"Of course," The DADA Professor nodded, smiling softly.

Cassiopeia shared a worried look with her brother before she turned to look at Remus, watching as he nervously packed up his belongings. He sent the Slytherin a small smile, touching her shoulder tenderly as he walked past her, following his Head of House out of the classroom.

After that Cassiopeia couldn't concentrate.

Her work was only half done when she finally handed it in at the end of the class, her mind clearly elsewhere. Remus never returned back to their lesson and when he left they still had well over an hour left so to say that the girl was nervous would've been an understatement.

"What do you think McGonagall needed him for?" Peter questioned as he, James, Sirius and Cassiopeia stood behind a large pillar, watching carefully as the spectacled boy unfolded the Marauders Map.

"Maybe he's been working too hard so she'll expelled him," Sirius said, clearly trying to lighten the mood up, especially when he saw the look on his sister's face.

"McGonagall can't expel him," Cassiopeia stated, "She's not Headmaster," She muttered as she stood up on her tip toes to look over James' shoulder, her piercing blue eyes scanning the map wildly in search for her boyfriend's name, "Look, he's in your dorm," She said after several seconds, a puzzled look etched itself upon her face, "What's he doing there? We have History of Magic next."

"I don't know," James muttered, his eyes inspecting the name tag on the map, "But he doesn't seem like he's moving, he must be in bed."

"Why?" Sirius questioned no one in particular, his eyebrows furrowing, "The full moon only just passed?"

The group shared worried looks and without even uttering a word to one another, James shoved the map into his robes before the four of them started sprinting through the corridors of the wizarding school, completely forgetting about their lessons and focusing purely on reaching their friend as quick as possible.

James was the quickest - thanks to being the Gryffindor Chaser - and he wasted no time in yelling the password at the Portrait before rushing inside, almost tripping up over his own feet. Cassiopeia was straight behind him with Sirius close to her and Peter all the way at the back of the group. They ignored the strange looks the Portrait gave them - and the few Gryffindors who were sat around in the common room - as they ran up the stairs.

Cassiopeia swore her heart broke as soon as the four of them stepped into the dormitory. Remus was lying in a fetal position, his back to them. The sound of crying coming straight from the werewolf. 

"Moony?" Sirius called out as they cautiously stepped further into the room, shutting the door behind them, "You alright, buddy?"

Remus didn't reply. He stopped his crying, however, by the way his shoulders moved up and down Cassiopeia knew the tears were still flowing. Pushing past the boys, the black haired girl stepped closer to the bed, swallowing a large lump in her throat she finally called out, "Remus? What-What happened?"

The sandy-brown haired boy finally turned around, he sat up ever so slightly, exposing his red, tear-covered face. His hair was sticking up all over the place, looking as if he pushed his hand through it too many times, "She's dead," He finally breathed out, his voice raspy.

"Who?" Peter asked, looking befuddled.

But by the look on Remus' face, Cassiopeia didn't need the confirmation of who died, she knew exactly who it was. Before she could even stop them, tears suddenly flowed out of her eyes as her hand flew up to her mouth, quietening a sob that escaped her lips. 

"She's dead," Remus muttered again, his eyes wide. The words were bitter on his tongue, leaving him with a sour expression as realisation washed over him, "She's dead."

Cassiopeia was the first one to reach his side, out of the corner of her eye she spotted Sirius and James sharing devastated looks with one another, both of them in complete and utter shock. She couldn't spot Peter's expression as he stood with his back towards them, his hands running themselves through his short hair. 

The Slytherin threw her arms around Remus, not in a romantic way but in a way to show him that she was there for him. His arms instantly weaved themselves around her waist, bringing her closer to his shaking body as his head dug itself into her neck. She could feel the tears falling from his eyes, hitting her exposed skin and she knew he could feel the very same on his neck, "I'm so sorry, Remmy," She whispered into his skin, her voice full of pain.

It didn't take long for the rest of the Marauders to join them. No one said anything, instead, they stayed wrapped up in their arms as one by one slowly fell into a shallow slumber, with tear stained cheeks and broken hearts.

AN-  Sad and dark times are coming. Act three might be shorter than the first two as I think I'm going to do a bit more time jumps to keep the story going forward. Also, I don't think I'm going to add the Sirius pranking Snape scene as I feel like I've left it a bit too late to add now and truthfully I don't want to hurt Remus anymore than I already have to so I hope no one's too sad about that 

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