Thirty two

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I stepped into the hospital, asking for Charlotte's room. Making my way towards her room, my heart pounded. I walked in, no one else to be found. There laid Charlotte, connected to monitors and unconscious. I couldn't believe that Charlotte, my old tormentor, was now paying for her actions, through a coma. As I walked closer to her hospital bed, my heart raced before my attention was brought across the room at the door I had entered through.

"Aria?" Alison asked as she gripped her handbag.

"Alison...hi..." I spoke, fully facing her now.

"I didn't think you'd come back..." Alison spoke, slightly smiling.

"I'm sorry about Charlotte, but I'm not here for her. I'm here because of A.D." I announced.

"Does Ezra know?" She asked.

"Yes. He was with me when I got the text." I held my phone tighter.

"How did we go backwards? We dealt with Mona and now we're dealing with a knockoff?" I asked, pissed off.

"I don't know Aria...but we have a new threat to deal with-" Alison spoke as Spencer and Emily entered the room. I became nervous.

"I'm guessing you got our message?" Emily asked as I tightened my grip on my bag.

Just as I was about to respond, a message from my phone caught my attention.

"It might be my mom..." I spoke as I took my phone out. My eyes widened as I looked at the message.

-A.D: I spy with my little eye, something beginning with...O. You better be careful. It's Hanna vs Olivia. Tell the police or Toby and both of them die. It's your choice.

"What's wrong Aria? Is it Olivia?" Alison asked as she looked at my phone then me.

"I spy with my little eye, something beginning with...O. You better be careful. It's Hanna vs Olivia. Tell the police or Toby and both of them die. It's your choice." I spoke as I opened the following attachment.

The first photo showed Olivia sleeping peacefully in her bed as A.D held a knife slightly to her cheek, the blade just touching her skin.

The second photo showed Hanna bound by a rope with tape keeping her mouth shut as she cried.

"So what? This bastard wants you to choose between Olivia and Hanna?" Emily asked.

"I already know my choice..." I spoke as I let a few tears slip.

"Aria no!" Alison spoke.

"Alison! I'm sick of helping other people. I've been ruining relationships since we were in middle school and I'm sick of it. I just wanna help my own daughter." I said as I ran out of the room, leaving the girls to stay with Charlotte.

Getting in my car I struggled to find the key hole, causing me to break down. This bitch had the guts to threaten my daughter's life against Hanna's. My tears escaped my eyes as I tried to get back to the hotel. Ezra found me in the hallway as I opened the hotel door.

"E-Ezra...A.D h-has...O-Olivia..." I said in between crying. I dropped to the floor and he quickly caught me as he held me right. I showed him the text and his face became angry as he looked at me.

"We're getting her back." Ezra said without hesitation.

"W-What about Hanna? I mean, A.D is bargaining for her. It's either we rescue Olivia and Hanna dies or vice versa..." That thought had just came into my mind. Hanna's life is at stake as well.

Unexpected turn //Jaria+EzriaWhere stories live. Discover now