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Since the whole gallery incident, the girls and I have had a troubling time.

"We can't even go to our own prom?!" I asked as my mom poured her tea.

"Well, Mr Hackett suggested that your attendance would endanger the other students" My mom spoke as she sat down.

"Why can't we have police protection at the school?!"

"Spencer...the last time police protection was issued, Charles snuck in and still ruined the evening..." My mom spoke as she stood near the front door.

"Besides, Mr Hackett has also suggested that you guys also stay away from graduation." My mom spoke as she placed a plate in front of me.

"What?! We've been barred from graduation too?!" I asked in shock and anger.

"So we'll be walking across the yard to get a diploma..."  I said, angrily.

"From my side, I don't completely disagree..." My mom spoke, walking into the other room.
Each of the four girls walked into The Brew. Jason followed Aria since he couldn't let Aria go without fearing that something might happen.

"Aria...your 6 and 1/2 months pregnant..." Jason spoke.

"Yeah? So what? I'm not a baby Jason...yet I'm currently carrying one..." Aria said, irritated. Aria had bad issues with anxiety, mostly shown after she discovered her dad cheating.

The police having not yet found Charles or any sign of him, was giving Aria anxiety since she's had problems in the past, but not like Spencer's pill problems in the past.

"Hey ok?" Spencer asked, concerned.

"No. I'm 6 and 1/2 months pregnant, my hormones are all over the place, we're barred from prom and graduation, I haven't gotten much sleep with the baby kicking and my anxiety has been acting up since the police haven't made any progress with Charles!" Aria exposed her current feelings, finally exhaling.
After a painful coffee with her friends and Jason, getting home and sleeping was her first thought when Jason helped her into the car.

"Do you need anything?" Jason asked as we pulled into the driveway.

"No. I just need to get somewhat decent sleep, even if our little girl decides to kick." I said, getting inside.

Finally getting into my room, Jason helped me change before getting me comfortable.

"I'll be in the living-room if you need me." He said before walking out. Finally relaxing, my eyes closed and for a brief moment, all my worries, stresses and anxieties went away...and I literally mean for a moment.
Waking up in a pitch black room, I scrambled to get up and walk, but something was holding me down...a chain.

"Your ruining my family. Your taking Jason away from me and taking Alison's attention for yourself. All I want is to have a family, yet you and your stupid baby are ruining everything!" A muffled voice spoke as the door was opened.

"C-Charles...if it's you...please...don't h-hurt me..." I said, whimpering. I was now being kicked by my baby and I wasn't in the mood.

"Oh no...I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just gonna tease you...make you feel worthless. I are my doll, my pregnant doll..." Charles spoke as they slowly took off their mask. Removing the hoodie, the head mask and the face mask, Charles had finally been revealed.

"CECE?!" I asked in shock.

"Oh don't act so surprised. Your little girl warned you every time she kicked..." Cece said, placing her hand on my stomach.

"Get...your me." I said, threatening. Cece obviously didn't know that I dated my karate instructor while also taking a few weeks worth of karate lessons.

"Feisty little liar..." Cece spoke, before grabbing out her camera.

"Say cheese!" She said, snapping a picture of me chained to a bed, my hands protecting my stomach. Turning off the locations or any tracking method, she stopped.

"Who should receive this little image? about your friends or Alison? Your parents and Mike...never mind...not fun. How about Tanner? Oh she'd love this...or even...Jason..." Cece pondered.

"How about all!" Cece said, pressing send. I sat there in pain.

Aria had been missing for nearly 2 hours now. Tanner was aware and was doing everything she could. Alison, Emily, Spencer, Hanna, Toby, Caleb, Mrs Montgomery, Mr Montgomery, Mike and even my parents, were sitting or standing in the living room, worried since about Aria. My parents only cared about the baby, their granddaughter and not Aria herself.

"Why are you two here? You don't care for Aria! You only care for the baby! If Aria died and the baby lived you'd be ecstatic!" I said, angrily.

"We may not like Aria, but she's carrying our grandchild Jason." My mother responded, leaving with my dad.

"J-Jason..." Spencer redirected my attention to our phones.

"Oh my god..." Mrs Montgomery spoke, looking at a clearly distressed Aria.

"Tanner! Can't you track this or something?!" Spencer asked, scared. Just as she was about to talk, Caleb interjected.

"I just tried Spencer, but Charles disconnected all location or tracking devices, besides, even if they were on, the fact that Charles is using a burner phone would make it harder to track." Caleb said, his laptop connected to Spencer's phone.

"So Aria and the baby are gone and we have nothing?!" I asked, angrily.

"We will try everything to get her and the baby back safe and sound Jason." Tanner said, trying to remain calm.

Unexpected turn //Jaria+EzriaWhere stories live. Discover now