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I headed home after the fair, tired, but when I saw the manuscript in my bag, my memory was jogged and my energy was racing. I needed my friends attention...right now. As I went to grab my phone, I heard a knock on the door. I walked downstairs and opened the front door to see Jason, no empty beer bottles, but he was clearly drunk.

"Jason?" I asked, helping him in as he stumbled. He looked at me. I took him to the bathroom, letting him throw up before I grabbed him some boxers and a white t-shirt from Mike's room. I rubbed his back, making sure none of his hair got in the way.

"Thank you Aria..." Jason spoke as I handed him the shirt and some boxers.

Me: SOS! Meet me at here at my place in 10 minutes...

I grabbed the manuscript from my desk and placed it on my bed before returning to Jason. I got him sorted before I let him lay down in my bed, hoping he wouldn't vomit again. I grabbed the manuscript, keeping Jason from seeing it.

"I'll be downstairs if you need me..." I said, closing the door. I walked downstairs, seeing the blinding lights of my friends cars pull up at my place.
Aria left the bedroom. I laid in her bed, the scent of lavender and strawberry still pungent on her pillows, I sat up, feeling a rush of dizziness wave over me. I stopped before getting up. I know I shouldn't have, but I looked around her room. Each drawer I opened, I made sure to leave it how I found it. I found a key, using it to unlock the only drawer left. Taking out random pieces of paper, I saw it. A police report.

I knew it wasn't right, but I had to. I read through the report, visualising everything that Mr Fitz had ever done to Aria. It made me sick. I couldn't believe that he manipulated such a kind and amazing girl like Aria. The truth is...even before Aria and Alison became friends, I had a crush on Aria. The way she didn't let anyone rule over her life or tell her what to do. I was inspired by her.

I put the report back in its place before locking the drawer and putting the key back. I walked out of her room quietly. Making my way towards her staircase, I heard a pretty heated conversation.

"So you visited Ezra??" Spencer asked, confused.

"Yes. I went to tell him that he needed to leave Rosewood...permanently. He gave the manuscript to me after that." I said, explaining what happened.

"So that explains why Jason DiLaurentis was cozying up to you in the courtyard the other day!" Hanna said, clearly pissed.

"Ezra cornered me and was trying to say things but Jason saved me. He pretended I was his girlfriend so that he could get me out of the situation!" I said, explaining that situation as well.

After some disagreements, we were still fighting.

" can't be hanging around Jason! He's Alison's mysterious brother who always shut and locked his door since he was either drinking or smoking!!" Spencer said, upset.

"Jason has helped me on multiple occasions, showing me that you have to look beneath the surface to see a caring guy who just wants to help people!" I said, arguing back.

"People thought he killed his sister Aria!" Hanna said, now speaking up.

"That turned out not to be true since Ali is alive and healthy!" I said, now getting extremely pissed off.

"I can't believe your defending him Aria! After what people have said about him-" Emily began but stopped, seeing Jason standing on the staircase.

"and now your sleeping with him to get more information. Just great Aria." Spencer said, not happy at all.

I took Jason out of the house, driving him home.

"Thanks for defending me Aria..." Jason spoke as he got out of my car.

"Your welcome Jason. There's more to you besides your mysterious brother persona." I said, about to leave.

"If you need me, just call or text." I said, smiling.

"Aria wait..." He said, making me turn around.

Jason walked up to me, gently holding my arm. He placed his hand on my cheek as he pulled me closer to his body. He placed his lips on mine. As he put his other hand on my waist, I felt his gentle and soft lips in sync with my own. I placed my hands around his neck, enjoying the sweet kiss. After a few minutes, I pulled away, blushing.

"Goodbye Jason." I said happily, beginning to turn away.

"Goodbye Aria..." He said, smiling. I got in my car and watched as Jason opened his front door and went inside. I drove off heading home.
"I can't believe you guys!" I said, having gotten home to my friends.

"I can't believe your sleeping with Ali's brother!" Hanna said, shocked.

"I'm not sleeping with him!" I said.

"You may not be sleeping with him, but he's hiding something!" Emily spoke.

"He's a criminal Aria! He's guilty of something!" Spencer said.

"He's not a criminal Spencer! Remember when you and other people thought that you hurt Alison the night she went missing? We didn't believe them since you were her best friend and you wouldn't have hurt her! Jason's your brother Spencer. People are calling him a murder and you know more than any of us how that feels!" I said, snapping.

"My half brother Aria..." Spencer ignorantly corrected me.

"All of you out! I can't believe that you guys would say that Jason hurt his sister on the night she disappeared! He's not guilty of anything!" I said, angrily.

One by one each of my friends left the house, getting into their respective cars before driving off. I went upstairs and just laid on my bed. I was definitely exhausted now.

Unexpected turn //Jaria+EzriaWhere stories live. Discover now