Twenty eight

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Balling her eyes out while her ex-boyfriend hugged her and her fiancé walked out angry was never where Aria thought she would be.

"Stop lying Aria! I can't believe you would lie about not knowing that Olivia was Ezra's kid. I thought I could trust you...but I guess once a liar, always a liar." Jason said, getting his coat and phone before leaving. I sat in my seat, balling my eyes out as Ezra hugged me.

I hadn't stopped crying for the past 3 hours. Ezra stayed here with me, to take care of his daughter (her not knowing). I had been messing with my engagement ring, not sure if I should wear it or not. I still remember the day Jason proposed.

Jason and I were leaving Rosewood tomorrow. Olivia was only a week old and we wanted to escape. I had now graduated.

"Aria Montgomery, we met because of Alison and since that day, I've never stopped loving you. I was devastated when you dated Ezra, but hearing that you broke up with him, it made my heart race. I never want to be apart from you. Will you marry me?" Jason asked as he got down in one knee.

"YES!" I spoke, happily.

Jason and I had yet to get married, only because of our jobs and other commitments that got in the way. Olivia and Ezra played together, although I think Olivia could feel the father daughter relationship growing between her and Ezra. I smiled as I watched Olivia laughed and playfully hit Ezra.

"You know that we don't hit people in this house." I spoke, making my presence known in the room. As I walked closer, I got a text.

Spencer: Jason texted me. We need to talk.

I put my phone away.

"Hey Ezra? Can you stay with Olivia? I need to duck out for a while." I spoke before Ezra nodded, letting me leave.

I drove back to Rosewood, meeting Spencer at her house.
"Why would you lie to Jason like that?" Spencer said, reading the letter that I had handed to her.

"I didn't lie! Yes, Ezra and I had sex before we broke up but I didn't know that Olivia was his daughter. I genuinely believed that Olivia was Jason's daughter when we found out." I said, letting tears escape my eyes.

"What's going on? Spencer why are you questioning Aria like she's a criminal?" Hanna asked, walking into Spencer's house.

"Olivia isn't Jason's daughter. She's Ezra's daughter and Aria lied to Jason!" Spencer said, making me upset and angry.

"I DIDN'T LIE TO JASON!" I spoke, now crying.

"I genuinely believed that Olivia was Jason's daughter!" I said, tears escaping my eyes.

"I was shocked when I found out that Ezra was Olivia's father..." I fell to the floor, sobbing as Hanna and Emily engulfed me in hugs.

"So what are you gonna do? Are you gonna leave Jason and be with Ezra? You technically can since you and Jason aren't married." Hanna asked, confused.

"I don't know. I-I mean...I want Olivia to know about Ezra being her dad, and for them to live together, but I don't want to break Jason's heart since I love him." I said, confusing myself.

"Maybe you should try and reason with Jason, and maybe something might happen?" Emily asked, unsure of what might be said.

"He hasn't said a word to me since he left the house. Ezra is staying with Olivia..." I said.

"Maybe tell Olivia first." Spencer said, giving me a valid option.

"Tell Olivia, then sort everything out with Jason." Hanna said, giving me a plan.

"Thank you guys so much!" I said, hugging each of my friends. I left Spencer's house, heading back to Philly.
When I reached my home, I saw an ambulance parked outside. Quickly parking my car, I raced to Ezra who was watching Olivia being placed in the ambulance.

"What the hell happened?!" I asked, almost breaking down.

"Your fiancé came home and wasn't happy with me taking care of Olivia so he picked a fight with me and Olivia got too close. Jason pushed me into the wall where the vase was and the vase shattered, glass going everywhere. Unfortunately the glass hit Olivia's arm and cut a deep wound. She's being taken to the hospital now..." Ezra explained the whole situation.

As I got into the ambulance, Jason got in with me, Ezra following in his car.

"Aria I'm-" Jason started, but I quickly shut him down.

"Not now Jason!" I said, shutting him up.

Unexpected turn //Jaria+EzriaWhere stories live. Discover now