Twenty six

316 4 1

As I drove home from Rosewood, arriving in Philly, I saw a familiar face.

"Ezra?" I asked as I pulled up at the local café.

"Aria..." He said, smiling as he walked closer to us. Olivia smiled, slightly hugging Ezra, knowing that he was a friend of mine.

"What are you doing here? I thought you decided not to publish the book?" I asked, confused.

"Oh, no, we are still planning to publish the book, it's just a few bits a pieces we needed to sort out..." Ezra admitted.

In all honesty, watching Olivia hug Ezra like she did, I never noticed how much Olivia looked like Ezra. She had my brown eyes, but his curly brown hair and cute smile. No. I am not thinking this.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I grabbed a coffee before saying goodbye to Ezra and leaving the café, heading home. Once I shut my front door, I quickly ran over to my laptop, allowing Olivia to go and play in the lounge-room. Logging on, I quickly went on to google, specific thoughts running through my mind.

Is it possible to have sex with 2 different guys and get pregnant by one of them?

I regretted searching the question since as soon as I did, my mind absorbed hundreds of bits of information about pregnancies, fathers, and biological parents. I saw enough to make me sick. Unfortunately, the information I had gathered explained why Olivia looked so much like Ezra and nothing like Jason. There was one thing I had to do.

Me: Hi, can I please make an appointment with Dr Rowen?

Lady: What kind of appointment would you like?

Me: DNA testing? For my daughter.

Lady: Does today at 5:30 suit?

Me: Yes! I'll see you then!

Hanging up the phone, I checked the time, 5pm. I only had 30 minutes until my appointment.


Driving to the appointment, with Olivia in the back, confused, I smiled, pulling into the parking lot.

"Mommy...I'm nervous! I hate needles!" She spoke, beginning to cry.

"Don't worry baby. I'll be right beside you and besides, it'll only take a moment." I said, taking her out of the car. We walked inside, just in time.

"Ms Montgomery?" I heard my last name.

Walking into the doctors office, I began to seem nervous.

"So, I heard that your here for a DNA test?" Dr Rowen asked, confirming.

"Yes. I realised that I never tested my daughter." I spoke, letting the doctor do her thing.

After the appointment, we went home, being told that we would have to wait a week.
A week had passed. Jason came home, not knowing about the test that I had done. Walking inside after work, Jason carried a pile of letters.

"Why is there a letter from Dr Rowen?" He asked. I still hadn't talked to him much since our little fight back in Rosewood.

"I was feeling under the weather a few days ago." I said, taking the letter from his hands. I lied, not wanting him to know the truth. Walking off with the letter, I made my way upstairs, opening the letter as I went. Once I knew the door was closed and no-one was around, I fully opened the letter, reading it's contents.

Quickly walking out of the room, Jason stopped me.

"Where are you going?" He asked, confused.

"I need to meet Ezra...about his book." I said, partly lying. I was going to meet Ezra, but not about his book. Walking off, I messaged Ezra as I got to my car.

Me: Ezra, we need to talk. Now.

Ezra: Is everything ok?

Me: No...not really.

Driving to the café we met at earlier, I saw Ezra waiting.

"What's going on?" He asked. I quickly grabbed the letter and handed it to him, letting him have a chance to read it.

Ms Aria Montgomery,

A week ago you asked for a DNA test for your daughter Olivia Spencer Montgomery.

We can confirm that the father of Olivia is in fact EZRA FITZ.

If you have any further questions don't hesitate to contact me.

-Dr Shannon Rowen

"Oh my god...Jason isn't the father of Olivia...I-I am." Ezra spat out.

"D-Does Jason know?" He asked, confused.

"N-No. Not yet." I said truthfully.

Unexpected turn //Jaria+EzriaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant