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I followed her through the forest. I even called her phone, but it only sounded for a minute before Aria quickly turned her phone off so she wouldn't be found.

"Aria, I know you're out there. Why are you hiding from me?" I asked, hoping that she would come to her senses and come out from hiding.

"Aria. Aria. Aria! Why are you doing this? Just come out and talk to me. Please, just don't do this. Please come out and talk to me." I said, now sounding more worried than I was before.

I heard footsteps crunching the leaves on the ground heading for the ski lift just a minute away. I followed her, getting onto the same lift she was on, ultimately scaring her.

"Help! Somebody help me!" Aria cried out for help.

"Stop, stop. Please, please, I know you're upset, but just hear me out." I said, attempting to try and calm her down.

"Don't touch me. Why have we stopped?" Aria asked, looking around at the deserted ski lift.

"I know what you saw back there, and I can explain it." I said, now taking a deep breath in.

After spending almost 5 minutes explaining why the book existed, Aria asked the question I dreaded the most.

"Did you know who I was when we met?" I saw the tears filling her eyes.

I couldn't lie anymore. "Yes, I did. I knew who all of you were. And that's why I applied to teach at Rosewood." I admitted, finally telling the truth. I explained to her what I was thinking when met her and how I wanted to get to the bottom of the story.

"I promise you...I didn't know I was going to fall in love with you." I said, letting a tear fall from my eyes.

"Don't." Aria said, her voice full of pain and disgust.

"I've lied about a lot of things, but I have never lied to you, not once, about how I feel about you. When we started getting serious, I stopped writing the book." I admitted, telling her about everything.

"When I think about how I defended you to my family and my friends, and the whole time you were using me." Aria spoke, her voice beginning to leave her throat, signalling that she was going to lose it any time.

"I'm a jerk. But I swear, I'll burn this, I'll trash it." I said, hoping that was what she wanted.

"Burn it? Are you kidding me? I'm going to read this thing from cover to cover. I want to know what was worth destroying everything we had for." Aria said, holding out the pages that created the book. I tried to get it off her, but the wind ruined it, sending the pages out of Aria's hand as I attempted to grab them.

"NO!" We both yelled in unison, watching as the pages slowly floated down to the ground. Someone noticed us and turned on the lift, allowing Aria and I to exit.

The moment the ski lift hit the ground, I escaped and bolted. Tears streamed down my face. Having escaped Ezra, I ran off, finally getting into the middle of Rosewood, but I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry..." I looked up to see Jason DiLaurentis, my dead best friend's brother.

Jason was just a year older than Alison, yet he looked quite older. Alison and Jason hated each other, often pissing each other off. Jason, though he never showed it, seemed like a caring person. I never told anyone...especially Alison, but I've had a crush on Jason since Alison and I became friends, though she never would have allowed me to date him.

"You look upset. Let me take you home..." Jason spoke, seeing my tear stained cheeks. I smiled, walking towards his car.

We got in. I saw Ezra running after me. He was a moment late seeing as he stopped in the middle of the footpath, watching as Jason and I pulled out of the parking space.

Jason drove me home, us being silent for most of the way. We arrived at the front of my house. I could see my dads face peering through the window. He looked almost happy as soon as Jason stepped foot out of the car. I think my dad was happy that it wasn't Ezra but someone around my own age. Jason walked me up to the front door.

"Ah, Jason DiLaurentis. Long time no see..." My father spoke, smiling slightly.

"Hi Mr Montgomery. I was just dropping Aria home. She seemed upset tonight and I just wanted to make sure she got home okay." Jason spoke, smiling as my father smiled back.

My father left the situation, walking upstairs.

"Thanks for driving me home Jason." I said, giving him a hug. He hugged me back, smiling.

He was somewhat taller than me, seeing as I was shorter than most girls at my high-school. Jason had been attending Rosewood high when Alison went missing, but as soon as her body was discovered, Mr and Mrs DiLaurentis pulled Jason out of school, making him do homeschooling, out of fear that people would have suspected him of murdering his own sister, even though that's exactly what happened anyway.

"Oh and Aria...if you ever need someone to talk to, besides your friends or parents. Don't hesitate to call or talk to me..." He said, handing me his phone number. I smiled, watching as Jason walked to his car and got in, driving off. I shut the front door before walking up to my room and getting changed, I put Jason's phone number into my phone. I smiled before putting my phone on charge. I quickly picked up my phone, texting Jason.

Me: Hey Jason, it's me Aria. I wanted to know if you wanted to grab a coffee after school tomorrow? As a thank you...

He replied almost immediately.

Jason: I would love to Aria. See you tomorrow.

I smiled before falling asleep, of course fearing the nightmares that would occur because of what happened before I bumped into Jason.

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