Twenty five

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Having now talked to my friends, Jason and I got a hotel room, going up there so that Olivia could get some rest.

I had gotten up early so that I could get ready for the hearing at 10am.

"Morning Aria..." Jason spoke smiling as he kissing me.

"I can't believe that Charlotte wants to be released..." I spoke, my head feeling dizzy.

"All you have to do is testify for Charlotte's case and that's it." Jason said, rubbing my back as he kept kissing me.

I made my way out of the hotel, hoping to avoid anyone I knew. Arriving at the court house, I saw my friends.

"Ready?" I asked, scared.

"No." All of them said at the same time. We walked in, seeing Alison and Mary sitting to the right. The judge sat at the front, waiting for something to happen.

We sat down, Spencer taking her seat in front of us, getting ready to voice her opinion.

"I do not find Charlotte a threat. Though she made my life hell, I understand that she didn't get the childhood she should have gotten." Spencer said, beginning the hearing.

"Charlotte is no longer a threat to me." Hanna said, not beating around the bush.

"I don't find Charlotte a threat." Emily said, not saying anything else.

I sat down, getting ready to speak. As I looked down at my hands, my mind flashed back.

I saw three images, one of Spencer, one of Hanna and one of Emily. Above the images rested 3 switches.

I closed my eyes my hands beginning to shake.

My eyes slowly opened. I attempted to open my mouth, but something was stuck. Looking down, I saw my hands taped together, my mouth taped shut and something next to me.

I woke up to the feeling of a single cloth covering my naked body. I jolted up, seeing a white cloth over my body, revealing my baby bump.

I stood against a wooden board, tears spilling from my eyes as -A wrapped a large plastic cover over my body as I screamed for help. The plastic cover was stapled to the wood, making it hard to breath. I eventually broke free, panicking.

The alarm went off in the dollhouse, causing my hands to cover my ears in pain. I watched as the door in front of me shut.

I opened my eyes, once again looking at my hands."No."

"No, I would not feel safe." I started. My heart pounded, remembering every tight space that Charlotte ever put me in.

"I was on the Redline going to Braintree...and the train stopped in the tunnel between the stations. The power went out and, and it was dark. No, not dark. It was black and I was back in every box, in every dark tight space that 'A' ever put me in, and I couldn't breathe. Then I heard a girl crying. Good. I thought somebody else is scared out of her mind. Then...the power came back on and every single person on that train was staring at me. Because I was the girl that was crying." I said, feeling a sense of sickness come over me.

"I don't want Charlotte released. Ever." I said, before getting up and rushing out. I ran up the stairs to find the nearest bathroom. Vomiting for nearly a minute, I walked out of the bathroom crying, but as I did, Jason entered the building with Olivia, rushing over to me as my friends rushed over as well.

"Aria...are you ok?" Alison asked as she bent down besides me.

"Y-Yeah...just a little bit sick...that's all." I said, slightly smiling. As we stood outside the court room, Alison smiled, seeing a familiar face.

"Charlotte!" She said, hugging the pale looking Charlotte.

"Hey Ali...hi Jason. Spencer, Emily, Hanna...Aria...and let me're Olivia?" She asked, trying to be nice around my daughter.

"Stay away from her." I said in the calmest way possible.

"I'm sorry you feel the way you do Aria. I'm just trying to live a normal life..." Charlotte spoke, smiling.

"You put us through hell. They might forgive you but I won't. Your torture against me could've hurt my daughter..." I said, stepping away from her.

"Aria...please...I-" Jason tried to step in, but I stopped him.

"-are you really taking her side Jason? Your really taking the side of the woman who could've hurt your daughter?" I asked, shocked.

"No...I-" Jason spoke, but I stopped him.

"-you know what? I don't want to hear it. I'm taking Olivia home." I said, leaving the courthouse. I heard Jason's attempt to talk to me, but I couldn't deal with him. I needed to take my daughter far away from everything, like I did 4 years ago.

Unexpected turn //Jaria+EzriaWhere stories live. Discover now