Twenty seven

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Waking up in Ezra's bed, I feel refreshed after last night.

Kissing his neck, he asked for permission. I smiled, granting the permission he so desperately wanted. Before long, the night escaped us, our love and passion taking over.

Ezra followed me through the forest. He even called my phone, but it only sounded for a minute before I quickly turned my phone off so I wouldn't be found.

"Aria, I know you're out there. Why are you hiding from me?" Ezra asked, hoping that I would come to my senses and come out from hiding.

"Aria. Aria. Aria! Why are you doing this? Just come out and talk to me. Please, just don't do this. Please come out and talk to me." Ezra said, now sounding more worried than he was before.

I stood up, the leaves underneath me on the ground crunching as headed for the ski lift just a minute away. Ezra ultimately scared me.

"Help! Somebody help me!" I cried out for help.

"Stop, stop. Please, please, I know you're upset, but just hear me out." Ezra said, attempting to try and calm me down.

"Don't touch me. Why have we stopped?" I asked, looking around at the deserted ski lift.

"I know what you saw back there, and I can explain it." Ezra said, now taking a deep breath in.

After Ezra spent almost 5 minutes explaining why the book existed, I asked the question Ezra must have dreaded the most.

"Did you know who I was when we met?" Ezra saw the tears filling my eyes.

"Yes, I did. I knew who all of you were. And that's why I applied to teach at Rosewood." Ezra admitted, finally telling the truth. He explained to me what he was thinking when met me and how he wanted to get to the bottom of the story.

"I promise you...I didn't know I was going to fall in love with you." Ezra said, letting a tear fall from his eyes.

"Don't." I said, my voice full of pain and disgust.

"I've lied about a lot of things, but I have never lied to you, not once about how I feel about you. When we started getting serious, I stopped writing the book." He admitted, telling me about everything.

"When I think about how I defended you to my family and my friends. And the whole time you were... you were using me." I spoke, my voice beginning to leave my throat, signalling that I was going to lose it any time.

"I'm a jerk. But I swear, I'll burn this, I'll trash it." Ezra said, hoping that was what I wanted.

"Burn it? Are you kidding me? I'm going to read this thing from cover to cover. I want to know what was worth destroying everything we had for." I said, holding out the pages that created the book. He tried to get it off me, but the wind ruined it, sending the pages out of my hand as he attempted to grab them.

"NO!" We both yelled in unison, watching as the pages slowly floated down to the ground. Someone noticed us and turned on the lift, allowing Ezra and I to exit.

I sat on the couch, Jason's hand on my thigh as we looked at what was in my hands. By this point, we had been dating for just over a few weeks.

"J-Jason...I'm so sorry..." I said, my eyes threatening to spill.

"Don't worry's my fault just as much as yours..." He said, comforting me.

In my hands rested a test. A test that had just changed my life forever.

I looked around at the café, avoiding Ezra's eye contact. I hadn't brought Olivia with me, for obvious reasons.

"So...we had sex all those years ago...but then you had sex with Jason when you guys were dating and you thought Olivia was his?" Ezra asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Y-Yeah. I thought Olivia was his baby...but she looked more like you than she did Jason..." I spoke, revealing my thoughts.

"How are you gonna break the news to Jason?" Ezra asked, confused.

"I-I honestly don't know." I said, freaking out. Ezra placed his hand on mine, his touch seeming familiar and soft.

"If you want me to help, I'd be happy to assist you." He spoke before I removed his hand.

"That would be great." I spoke before we got up and left. Making my way back to my house, I hoped that Jason wouldn't be home and luckily he wasn't. I knew he wouldn't be home for another 15 minutes.

Sitting at the kitchen bench, Ezra sat besides me, just as nervous as me. We heard the front door shut so we prepared for the worst.

"What's going on?" Jason asked, confused. Ezra and I sat up, taking deep breaths in.

"We need to tell you something." Ezra spoke.

"About the book?" Jason asked and I internally sighed.

"No." I said, point blank.

Jason sat down, confused until he saw the letter from Dr Rowen. I handed the letter to Jason, letting him read it. He looked up, red as a tomato.

"YOU'RE OLIVIA'S FATHER!?" Jason immediately blew up, pissed off at Ezra.

"Hey...dude...calm down!" Ezra stood up and tried to calm him down.

"No! Aria gave birth to your baby!" Jason said, angrily.

"That's not how it-" I attempted to speak, but Jason interrupted.

"So you and Fitz had sex and to keep our relationship together, you told me that the baby was mine!" Jason accused me.

"No! That's not what happened! Yes, Ezra and I did have sex...and we used protection! I had no idea that it was Ezra's baby when you and I found out! I genuinely thought that it was your baby!" I said, trying to explain, but Jason was having none of it.

"Stop lying Aria! I can't believe you would lie about not knowing that Olivia was Ezra's kid. I thought I could trust you...but I guess once a liar, always a liar." Jason said, getting his coat and phone before leaving. I sat in my seat, balling my eyes out as Ezra hugged me.

Unexpected turn //Jaria+EzriaWhere stories live. Discover now