Thirty six

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It had almost been a week since Aria was taken and Olivia was returned. Olivia and I had stayed in my apartment. Toby had stopped by.

"So...we're doing everything we can to find Aria and Hanna. Tanner is looking into some leads but, so far, we have a phone number." Toby had some good news.

As Toby kept talking, my phone started ringing. I picked up the phone, hearing Maggie's voice. As I hung up, someone knocked on the door. I opened it to reveal Maggie and a very grown up Malcolm. I let Toby leave as I don't let them in.

"Why are you here Maggie?" I asked harshly. She entered my apartment, setting her purse down on the table.

"I didn't know where else to go Ezra." She complained. Malcolm sat on the couch as he played on his phone.

"You could've gone anywhere else but here." I spoke as Maggie seemed distressed.

"I thought that after everything we've been would at least consider helping us?" Maggie spoke.

" isn't the best time. Besides, we didn't go through much. You got pregnant, my mom worried so she paid you $10,000 to leave town. I found out that he wasn't mine. So...I think that we've had a pretty simple history." I was pissed off. Malcolm didn't seem involved at all.

As we continued arguing, Olivia came into the room, confused as to who I was talking to.

"Olivia, sweetheart, go back to my room." I spoke as she walked off.

"Who was that?" Maggie asked.

"That was my daughter, Olivia." This clearly shocked Maggie.

"And I'm presuming that her Aria?" Maggie guessed right.

"Yeah. She found out after we broke up, although she didn't think that Olivia was mine up until recently." I couldn't believe that I was talking about this to Maggie.

"Ezra...we need your help." Maggie pressed more.

"No. I refuse to help you Maggie! You lied to me! You told me that Malcolm was my son and I found out that he wasn't. You didn't even tell me." I was angry at Maggie.

"I may have lied to you about Malcolm, but you and Aria are much worse. I never forced her to keep quiet. She chose not to tell you about Malcolm!" Maggie was trying to set Aria up.

"You know what. Get out. Aria and I have been through so much to stay together and we lost that because of you." I demanded that she leave.

"Stop defending her Ezra!" Maggie was borderline insane for going against Aria.

"Aria and her friend are currently missing! I have to deal with a lot more than you'll ever know. I have to help my daughter cope with the fact that her mother, the love of my life, is missing." I was so angry at Maggie.

"How do you know that Olivia is even your kid?" Maggie really had to go there.

"Because I saw the letter from Aria's doctor. They confirmed through DNA testing that Olivia is my kid. So don't even think that you can manipulate me like you did before." I was on the edge and I was not going to put up with her.

"Ezra...I-" Maggie stuttered.

"Get out. Both of you." I calmly demanded before I opened my apartment door, watching as Maggie and Malcolm walked out.

"Mommy! How was your sleep?" Olivia asked as she climbed on top of the bed, Ezra following her.

"Your little brother kept me up most of the night, but apart from that, my sleep was good." I looked down at my belly. I was 6 months pregnant.

"I'm glad that my mother gave up her Hawaiian villa. I don't know how I would've coped if I was still living in the apartment back in Rosewood." Ezra kissed me passionately as Olivia kissed my belly.

"Well, you mother wouldn't have been able to live in a 7 bedroom villa all by herself. I mean, we've gotten more use out of it in the past year." We lived in a villa in Hawaii.

"You know, tomorrow is our 1 year wedding anniversary..." I smiled as I looked down at my wedding ring.

"And the year has been nothing but paradise." Ezra kissed me again. As we kissed, my phone went off, scaring me just a little bit. I looked down at my phone as Ezra kissed my neck. He got up as I went to reply to the message. I watched as he left the master bedroom.

"Aria." I heard Ezra call my name.

"Aria." He called my name again.

"ARIA!" I jolted up to see Hanna kneeling besides me.

"What happened? Are we still trapped?" I asked.

"Yes we are, but somehow your dreams are better than mine. Speaking of dreams, what was yours about?" Hanna asked, noticing the smiled plastered on my face.

"Well, Ezra and I were married. Olivia was the same age she is now. We were expecting another baby, a boy. We lived in a villa in Hawaii, although it was more like a mansion with an indoor and outdoor pool, small cinema room seating 10 people, an arcade room, a slide that ends on the beach." I was remembering everything.

" must have had a great time. Wait...there's something else..." Hanna noticed it.

"It was like 'A' or A.D never existed." I spoke as I smiled for the last time.

Unexpected turn //Jaria+EzriaWhere stories live. Discover now