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" saw his name! You saw the name Charles inside the games room! That has to be who kidnapped us!" I said, angry at Spencer who wasn't wanting to tell the police.

"Aria! All I saw was his name! We need more evidence to prove that Charles is -A! Right now there isn't enough evidence!" Spencer retaliated, still tired and upset.

It had been 48 hours since they were rescued from -A's dollhouse.

"Spence...the name Charles is at least enough to go on. Tell Toby and make sure to make him keep it from his boss." Hanna said, encouraging Aria's thought.

"I agree with you Spencer. We need more evidence...but I also agree with Aria and Hanna. You need to tell Toby and ask that he look into a Charles DiLaurentis without his boss' knowledge. It means that we can gather more info without Tanner and our parents knowing." Emily admitted.

I watched as Spencer grabbed her phone. She typed a few times before putting her phone down.

"Toby agreed to meet us at The Brew. He'll be there in 5." Spencer said, grabbing her bag. We all walked to The Brew, shortly seeing Toby as he sat down with Jason at a table.

"Jason? What are you doing here?" Hanna asked, giving Jason the stink-eye since she still didn't trust him.

"This is to do with who kidnapped you girls Hanna. Besides, although -A didn't harm the baby, I want to make them pay!" Jason said, getting angry.

"Calm down Jason. We all want the same thing!" Emily said, trying to calm Jason down. I sat down, feeling unwell.

Jason moved and sat besides me, putting his hand on my stomach.

"So. Toby...we have a name for our mysterious kidnapper." Spencer started, peaking Toby's interest.

"His name is Charles." I watched as Jason shifted his posture and clenched his jaw and fists.

"We think he might be connected to Jason and Ali." Hanna said.

"What's wrong Jason?" I asked, looking at him.

"I don't know if this is right...but I knew a boy named Charlie..." Jason admitted.

"Jason told me that Charlie was his friend and one day Charlie disappeared and dad said that Charlie had to go away..." Alison said, remembering what Jason had just brought up.

"That explains the home videos and tapes of Jason, Alison and the other boy..." I spoke, taking a deep breath in.

As I sat there, drinking my decaf coffee, a familiar lady walked in, blonde, looked like Alison. Spencer, Emily and I had met her a few years ago.

"Charlotte!" Alison spoke, excitedly. She got up, hugging Charlotte.

My baby started kicking me, making me feel sick. "ARIA!" Jason yelled as I saw darkness. I blacked out, my head landing on the floor.
I woke up, my head pounding as Jason got up. Emily sat besides me, smiling as she helped me sit up.

"Aria? Are you ok?" Spencer asked as she held my back, comforting me.

"Y-Yeah..." I said, holding my stomach.

Unexpected turn //Jaria+EzriaWhere stories live. Discover now