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Aria and her friends had been dealing with the backlash that came with Alison being arrested since they were Alison's friends and they helped get her arrested. As time went on, they began to figure out that Alison wasn't 'A' and that they had thrown their best friend into jail for a crime she didn't commit.

Aria was now 2 months pregnant, slightly showing but still not having to explain what was wrong with her. Because of Alison's arrest, Aria's parents insisted that Jason stay with them, only because his parents were away on business trips. Jason was helping with Aria and his baby while Aria attended 2 trials with Emily.

Hanna was not happy with all the mess going on. She was also arrested, apparently being an 'accessory' to the crime seeing as she might have wanted Mona to die because of everything Mona did to her.

Emily, with her mom's supervision, was allowed to attend 2 early trials in Alison's case, which she greatly appreciated. She would see Toby, working in the court, getting files and evidence. Emily was certainly worried when the evidence against Alison piled up.

Spencer was not allowed to go to the courtroom at all. Her mother and father forbid it, especially when Alison was connected to Garrett and her mom Veronica was Garrett's lawyer. She did get phone calls from Emily and Aria while she was at school, updating her on the current state of Alison's case.
Today was the day where the jury would reach their verdict.

I walked into the courtroom, followed by Emily and Spencer. Hanna was sitting at the table besides Alison and Alison's lawyer since she was apparently involved. Spencer had gone against her parents wishes, hoping to support Alison in any way she could, even if it meant betraying her parents.

The trial went on as usual, witnesses giving statements, Alison and Hanna looking at the girls and I for comfort, but eventually the time had come for the jury to come up with the verdict. They left the courtroom, while people who weren't involved with the case would be able to leave and come back. The girls and I left the courtroom, immediately being harassed by Mr. DiLaurentis seeing as he wanted to be back for his daughters trial. Jason hadn't yet told his father or mother that he was dating me, yet he wanted to so badly.

Jason looked at my stomach with worried eyes, but I gave him a reassuring look. After what seemed like hours, but only 30 minutes, we walked back in, taking deep breaths as we took our seats behind Alison. I was worried when I saw Lt Tanner and her associate officers taking glances at Spencer, Emily and I. Alison stood up, waiting for what was about to happen.

"Have you reached a verdict?" The judge asked, looking over at the jury as one of the jurors stood up.

"We have, Your Honor." The lady spoke before putting her glasses on.

"In the case of the Commonwealth v. Alison DiLaurentis, we, the jury, find the defendant guilty of murder in the first degree." The lady spoke before looking over at Alison. She began to cry, being pulled over to an officer near the door, putting handcuffs around her wrists. Hanna was also handcuffed before Alison and Hanna were dragged away.

The girls and I stood up, trying not to cry. As we watched Alison and Hanna get dragged away, I looked over the other side, watching Lt Tanner sending the officers behind her over to us, most likely to arrest us. I grab Emily and Spencer's attention, as we watched the men walk over to us. The three men handcuff each of us, beginning to drag us away.

"Aria!" He yelled, catching my attention. I watch in sorrow as Jason was stopped from coming near us. He tried to get past the police, but we were taken away before he could. We were taken to the police station to have our prints registered and our photo's taken.
We spent a night in a cell before we were dressed into orange jumpsuits and off to a correctional facility.

Unexpected turn //Jaria+EzriaWhere stories live. Discover now