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"I didn't think I could feel worse after 'A' killed Mona. But the four of us getting arrested for her murder brings low to a whole new level." Hanna spoke as they all sat in the back of a police van, being taken away. They wore orange jumpsuits with handcuffs on their wrists and ankles.

"Technically, they think that we're accessories, not killers." Spencer said, trying to use her knowledge.

"An accessory is a necklace or a handbag, not a chain gang." Aria's voice was hurt from all the crying she had done. She held her stomach protectively, hoping that nothing bad would happen to her baby.

"Call it what you want. We're all going to jail. 'A' wins." Hanna spoke, angrily.

"What's it like, Han?" Emily asked, seeming super worried.

"Do you want me to sugarcoat it or tell you the truth?" Hanna asked, jokingly.

"Well, if I'm going to get through it, I need to know what to expect." Emily said, toughening up.

"The second they slam that door shut, you feel ashamed." Hanna spoke, telling everything she knew.

"This is crazy. We didn't do anything." Aria spoke, upset.

"They don't care about that. They treat you like a criminal, and it's hard to remember that you're not one. The first night's the hardest. You're locked away from everything and everyone you ever cared about. And when they turn those lights out, it is the loneliest feeling you could ever imagine." Hanna exposed, thinking about her first ever night in jail.

"Second thought, I could have used a thick coat of sugar." Emily said, exposing her true feelings.

"You can't be ready for how it feels, Em. It's hard not to give up on hope." Hanna said, once again bringing down the spirit.

"You guys, they can take everything from us, but they can't take us from each other. I don't care how far apart from you guys I am, I will still be with you." Spencer admitted, giving everyone a hug.

All of a sudden, everything went black.
I woke up in my bedroom, but still for some reason wearing the orange jumpsuit. I looked down at my showing stomach, happy that my baby wasn't hurt. As I looked around I saw a note. When I picked it up, my heart sank.

Welcome to the Dollhouse bitch.


I began to cry, but my tears stopped when I heard the door unlock.

"Welcome. Willkommen. Bienvenido. Please exit your room and follow the lighted pathway." The voice on the speaker said as I pushed the door open. I walked down the extended hallway to find a massive room with a piano and some chairs. It looked like a lounge-room. I saw my friends.

"Emily...Spencer...Hanna..." I said, giving them hugs as we all cried in happiness. We looked around, terrified.

"What's wrong Aria? You've been clutching your stomach..." Hanna asked, confused.

"I'm pregnant with Jason's baby." I said, not hiding the truth anymore,

"WHAT?! How long?" Spencer asked, confused.

"A little over 2 months now..." I said, slightly smiling. The girls gave me a hug in support. As we stood there, the piano started playing. We looked over to see a girl in Alison's clothes with blonde hair playing the piano.

"Ali, is that you?" Hanna asked confused.

The girl took off the mask.

"Oh, my God!" Emily spoke, not believing it.

"Mona?" I asked.

"Mona?" Spencer asked, shocked.

"I know it's been a while, but I haven't changed that much, have I?" Mona asked, just as confused as we were. We looked at each other for a minute.

"You guys, it's me... Alison." She spoke, smiling.
Peter and I stood in our kitchen, watching as Toby walked through the back door.

"We think the transport officers were neutralized with an injection of flunitrazepam." Toby spoke, giving his opinion.

"The date rape drug?" Peter asked, confused.

"The deputies regained consciousness this morning with no memory of the incident." Toby admitted.

"The girls were wrongfully accused to begin with. And now they're all missing?" I asked, upset.

"Let's get our facts straight. The incident was an abduction." Peter spoke, just trying to think about what was going on.

"Yeah, but who would want to take the girls?" Peter asked, upset.

"Should we be asking who would or who could?" I asked, implying that Alison knew where the girls were.

"If Mona was alive...I keep thinking this feels like that." I said, my heart racing.

"No. No. There's only been one person at the center of any trouble the girls have gotten into." Peter admitted his true feelings about Alison.

"You think Alison's behind this?" I was confused as to what Peter was implying from his comment.

"Alison's a master manipulator, but she doesn't have access to what was needed to pull off something this elaborate." Toby said, telling me and Peter everything he knew.

"Why these girls? What would make them somebody's target?" I asked. I was worried for Spencer's safety.

"Well, the good news is Tanner wants to keep this out of the press. No one knows about this yet." Toby said, giving out unauthorised information, not caring.

"Wait, not even the other girls' parents?" I asked worried.

"We have to keep this between us. We don't want a civilian mob out there being told to shoot first and ask questions later." Toby spoke.

"But if they think our daughters are fugitives, isn't that what Tanner's telling the police to do?" I asked, confused.

"You're damn straight it is." Peter spoke as Toby's radio went off.

"Could you just give me one second please?" Toby asked before walking away.

"Now Alison may still be locked up, but she has access to people. We both know what she's capable of." Peter spoke, admitting the truth.

Unexpected turn //Jaria+EzriaWhere stories live. Discover now