Thirty four

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It had been 3 days since A.D sent the text. Aria hadn't slept at all as Ezra tried to figure out a way to get both Hanna and Olivia back safely.

"I have an idea." Aria sat up, knowing that if Ezra knew what she was about to say, he would object.

"Aria...should I be worried?" Ezra became nervous.

"Ezra...whoever A.D is, they want to find out who hit Charlotte with a car and why." Aria was stating the obvious.

"I've hurt my friends in more ways than I could've ever imagined. I considered giving up my friend to save my daughter." A tear fell down Aria's cheek as she stood up.

"I'm going to bargain myself. Exchange my life for Olivia's. This way, I have a better vantage point to find out who A.D is and I can help Hanna." Aria declared her choice. She got her phone and clicked on the unknown number, assuming it was A.D's number. As she texted, Ezra objected.

"Aria! No. I won't allow you to do this! We can find another way to get both Hanna and Olivia back!" Ezra attempted to reach for her phone.

Aria: I'm not making a choice between them. But I am offering myself. Let my daughter go and I'll be your prisoner.

"Too late Ezra. I've made my choice and now A.D knows where I stand." Aria took a deep breath in and out.

It wasn't long before A.D replied.

A.D: Pulling a Katniss Everdeen. I admire your braveness. Olivia will be safely delivered to your mother's house at 5pm today. As for you Aria, I can't wait to see you.

Aria put her phone down. She got dressed before heading out. Ezra followed her as she drove to Spencer's house.

"Aria!" Spencer wrapped me up in a hug as Alison and Emily sat on her couch.

"Aria? Will you tell them? Or shall I?" Ezra was not happy about my decision.

"What is Ezra talking about?" Emily seemed confused.

"Aria offered herself to A.D. Olivia is being delivered to Aria's mom's house at 5pm. As for Aria, well...A.D is going to take Aria as their prisoner." Ezra revealed.

"What?! Aria! Are you insane?!" Spencer asked angrily.

"Aria, we could find another way to save Olivia and Hanna! One way that doesn't result in you being taken as prisoner!" Alison seemed upset.

"Guys! If I get taken, Olivia is safe and I can help Hanna figure out a way to escape!" I objected as the back door opened, revealing Jason.

"Jason?" I asked as he walked in, seeming angry.

"Why are you doing this Aria?" Jason was angry at me now.

"You don't need to worry about me Jason." Ezra held my hand. I looked up at him.

"Wait...are you two together again?" Emily could see the love that Ezra and I had for each other that we hadn't yet explored.

"No." I said, releasing my hand from Ezra's.

"Well...if we can prevent Aria from being taken, I will find a way." Spencer said, breaking the silence. Jason kept eyeing Ezra angrily as Emily stood up.

"Aria and Ezra will sleep in Melissa's old room." Spencer said. I was about to object before Emily stopped me.

"Alison and I can sleep in the barn, that way we're close." Emily smiled.

"And can go home." Ezra said, breaking the gaze that Jason was exhibiting.

"Ok. We have a plan." Spencer spoke.

"What time is it?" Alison asked.

"2pm." I spoke, looking over at the clock.

"We have 3 hours until Olivia is set for Aria, we don't know when A.D will try and take her." Emily was now more concerned.

The day went on as normal, Ezra and I staying in Melissa's old room like discussed. As it reached 5pm, I got a text from A.D.

A.D: Your precious Olivia is back home safe and sound. See you soon Aria.

I looked at the attached image. I was relieved to know that Olivia was safe. Laying in bed, having barely being able to stay awake the entire day, I showed Ezra the image. I put my phone away and finally attempted to get a good night's sleep in.

11pm came around. The Hastings' house was dead silent as I opened my eyes, having had a nightmare. The room was pitch black. I knew that Ezra was sleeping on the pull out chair that rested near the window, which meant I had the whole bed to myself. As I laid on the bed, my eyes open, I noticed something moving in the room. I panicked for a minute before a cloth was placed over my mouth, forcing me to keep quiet as my eyes closed.
I woke up to the sun poking through the window. I sat up, something seeming off. I looked over at the bed, realising that Aria was gone. I got up and raced downstairs, now realising that A.D had taken Aria.

"SPENCER!" I shouted before I heard a set of footsteps rush downstairs.

"What's going on?" She asked, still slightly asleep.

"A.D took Aria!" I panicked.

Unexpected turn //Jaria+EzriaWhere stories live. Discover now