Thirty three

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"Mom? Is O-Olivia with you?" I asked as I knew the answer.

"I think so. I put her down for a nap about an hour ago. Do you wanna say hello? I can wake her up?" My mom spoke as her voice became a little worried.

"Mom...Olivia isn't there..." I said as tears slipped down my cheek.

"What do you mean Olivia isn't here? She's been with me all day!" My mom argued back. I sent her the photo and message that A.D had sent.

"A.D? Who the heck is A.D?" My mom asked, confused.

"A.D is a worse version of 'A'" I admitted, slowly sitting down as Ezra walked into the room.

"It's starting again? And they're using Hanna and Olivia to hurt you?" My mom asked just I put the call on speaker so Ezra could talk freely.

"A.D wants us to choose between Hanna and Olivia. If we choose Olivia, Hanna dies and vice-versa." Ezra spoke as I could hear the concern and fear in my mom's voice.
As I drove down my street, a car blaring with music sped past me, giving me an honest shock. I heard something crash so I sped off to see what was going on. A car with the DILAURENTIS FIRM logo on it had crashed. Jason had crashed into another car that was parked. I had to make sure he was ok. I raced over to him as my car remained unlocked.

"Oh my god!" I quickly opened his car door. His gaze darted around as his head rested against the headboard.

"Move over!" I spoke as I attempted to move him.

"Why?" He asked, confused.

"Because this never happened..." I quickly lifted him up and got him to my car, resting him on the back seat as I shut his door and got in the drivers seat. I drove home, getting Jason inside and on the couch, but I was unfortunate in making sure no one was home.

"Spence...what's going on? Why is Jason laying on our couch?" Melissa asked as she entered the room, getting a full view of a very drunk Jason.

"H-He had a little too much to drink and now he's just cooling off here." I spoke as Jason tossed and turned while sleeping.

"Wren?" I asked as Wren stepped into the house through the backyard.

"Are you sleeping with your ex-fiancé?" I asked, slightly shocked.

"Look...if you don't tell mom and dad...I'll-I'll do something for you!" Melissa tried to bargain.

We moved into dad's unlocked study, shutting the door.

"Get Wren to make sure that Jason isn't hurt and that he is ok and I won't tell mom and dad." I said, Melissa agreeing.

"Wait, you never told me why Jason got hurt." Melissa spoke.

"His fiancé left him..." I revealed, hoping the conversation would end.

"He had a fiancé!? Who?" Melissa asked as she looked at me shocked.

"Aria." I spoke as I opened dad's study, leaving Melissa shocked and confused.

As I walked out to the living room, I noticed that Jason and Wren were gone. Crap. I ran out to the barn, luckily seeing Wren and Jason inside.

"I thought it might be better if Jason wasn't in the house, just in case your parents came home unexpectedly." Wren spoke as his British accent made me smile.

"How is he? He looked pretty out of it when I found him..." I asked, Wren grabbing a light from the bag that he had nearby.

"He looks like he has a small concussion. His vision isn't great, but it should get better within the next couple of hours." He spoke as he put the light away.

"I'm so sorry Wren...for getting you involved..." I spoke, Wren sitting besides Jason as he put an icepack on his head.

"It's ok Spencer. You were here at a very convenient time if I don't say so myself. I mean, you're really lucky that your sister is dating a doctor..." Wren slightly laughed, his hands still moving as he went to find some medication in his bag.

"I'm gonna head home. Here is some pain medication if he gets a headache." Wren handed me a few pills as he grabbed his bag and swung it over his shoulder. We exchanged smiles as he exited the barn, leaving me to deal with a lovesick Jason.

Unexpected turn //Jaria+EzriaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin