Thirty five

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I woke up to the normal pitch black room, but something was wrong. I couldn't hear the sound of Olivia crying. Olivia missed her mom and I was helping her stay calm.

"Olivia?!" I screamed, not hearing anything. A.D must have done something to her. Feeling around the room, I could feel a body, but it wasn't Olivia's which slightly calmed me. I could feel the body breathing. It moved a slight bit so I moved away back to my spot.

I felt a pain run through my head. I opened my eyes and worried that I had gone blind.

"Hello?" A voice called out to me. I was confused. It sounded a lot like Hanna's voice.

"H-Hanna?" I asked as someone moved closer to me.

"Aria?!" It was Hanna. She hugged me.

"Why can't I see anything?! Have I gone blind?" I asked, genuinely scared.

"No. There's no windows in here." Hanna calmed me down a bit.

As I sat on the floor, the one entrance to the room opened, revealing a blinding light. A person covered in black clothes held a small red box.

"Don't get too close. They're holding a taser." Hanna said as I saw her. Her face was covered in dirt. Her clothes were torn and bruises and scars could be seen all over her face, arms and legs.

I realised that I was chained to the wall by my leg. The masked figure unchained my leg while they put handcuffs on my wrists. They did the same thing to Hanna who was chained to the bed. We were taken outside, still caged. I looked around, we must have been at least 3 hours from Rosewood.

"Was Olivia doing ok?" I asked, concerned for her.

"She was ok. She cried most nights, but whoever took us gave her mercy. She had a small dog bed to sleep on and she was given fruit every 3 hours." Hanna relieved my stress.

"Wait...why are you here?" Hanna became confused.

"I gave up my life for Olivia. She was taken back to my mom's house yesterday around 5pm. In return, I was taken." I spoke. Hanna rested her head on my shoulder as we sat in our fairly large cage. It was half the size of the fenced area that we had to sleep in when -A held us captive in her dollhouse.

"How are we going to escape?" Hanna asked as she ate the food that had been placed in front of her.

"Luckily I'm here. But really, I don't know." I comforted her.

Aria was gone and we had no way to find out where A.D took her. I decided to call Ella, seeing as Olivia would be there.

Ella: Montgomery Residence.

Me: Hey Ella, it's Ezra.

Ella: Oh Ezra! Olivia is home safe and sound!

Me: That's not the only news.

Ella: What's wrong Ezra?

Me: Can you come over to Spencer's place?

Ella: Of course Ezra. I'll bring Olivia with me.

I hung up the phone, anxiously waiting for Ella to arrive. After an hour, I heard a car pull up outside. Spencer, Emily, Alison and Jason waited inside while I reunited with Olivia.

"Daddy!" She laughed as she wrapped her small arms around my neck. I gave Ella a side hug as she followed me inside.

"Mrs. Montgomery..." Spencer and Emily hugged Ella as she entered the room. They all sat down while Olivia tightly held on to me, tears threatening to escape her eyes.

"What's going on?" Ella asked.

"A.D took Aria. She offered herself as a prisoner to protect Olivia but to also help Hanna." I spoke.

Ella put her head in her hands.

"The question is, what are we going to do? Call the cops?" Ella gave an idea.

"No. A.D instructed that if we told Toby or the police, Olivia and Hanna will die." Spencer reminded everyone.

"It can't be valid now. Olivia isn't their prisoner anymore. Aria is. Besides, can't we tell the police or even Toby without A.D finding out?" Ella made a good point.

"Maybe you can." Caleb walked through Spencer's back door, making his presence known.

"Caleb? When did you get back?" Spencer asked as she hugged him.

"I tried calling Hanna but she didn't pick up." Caleb admitted.

"Anyways what's your plan Caleb?" Emily asked. I looked at Caleb before taking Olivia into the other room.

I returned a few minutes later to everyone on their phones.

"I want everyone, including you Mrs. Montgomery, to upload their phone's data onto this computer. Don't worry, I'll have separate files for each of us." Caleb opened up his laptop.

"A.D must have a chip installed into the phones allowing them to I came up with a solution. We smash our phones, I'll get us all new ones and we upload all our data back onto the phones once I clear any viruses. This way, we can make contact with the police and/or Toby without A.D finding out." Caleb's plan sounded easy enough.

One by one, we all uploaded our phone data onto the laptop, everything now safe and sound. Emily found a hammer in the shed while we all placed our phones on the grass outside. One by one, Emily smashed all 7 of our phones.

Unexpected turn //Jaria+EzriaWhere stories live. Discover now