Twenty four

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"Olivia...sweetheart...we're here..." I spoke as Jason pulled up outside The Brew. As we walked inside The Brew, Jason stopped me.

"I have to go and talk to my I'll be at my old place for a while..." He said before kissing me.

"Be a good girl for mommy..." He spoke, kissing Olivia's forehead.

Jason left, leaving me to take care of Olivia.

"Can I please get a coffee and a hot chocolate please?" I asked the lady. She smiled before giving me the total. As I stood away, having just paid, I heard my name.

"Aria?" I saw him. The man who broke my heart 4  years ago. He stood at the bottom of the loft staircase, having not shaved, with a dark grey shirt and black pants. He walked up to me, smiling, obviously not having seen my engagement ring.

"Hey...Ezra..." I said. How awkward this was gonna be.

"How have you been?" He asked, also not having seen the little girl about to interrupt the conversation.

"Mommy...the nice lady gave us our drinks..." Olivia interrupted, handing me my coffee as she sipped her hot chocolate.

"Who's this little girl? She looks exactly like you..." He said, complementing my daughter.

"This is Olivia Spencer Montgomery. My daughter..." I said, finally telling Ezra.

"You still with Jason?" Ezra asked, slightly confused.

"Yeah. My fiancé." I said, showing off my ring. He looked at me in shock, before smiling.

"Congrats..." He said, smiling.

As we looked at each other, I got a text from Spencer.

Spencer: Hey Aria. Are you in Rosewood yet?

Me: Hey Spencer. Yeah, we're in Rosewood now. Olivia is with me, since I figured that she'd want to see her aunties and uncles.

Spencer: Are you ok to meet us at the new renovated Radley? Hanna is planning a nice lunch before the hearing.

Me: Yeah. I heard Mrs Marin now owns The Radley. I'm so happy for her. See you soon.

I put my phone away. "I'm so sorry Ezra but I'm meeting Spencer and the girls at The Radley before the hearing tomorrow." I said, rushing out before Ezra had a chance to say anything.

"Come on Olivia. It's time to go see aunty Hanna, aunty Spencer, and aunty Emily." I said, grabbing Olivia's attention. We quickly hurried out of The Brew, before I texted Jason.

Me: I'll be with my friends at The Radley with Olivia. We'll be out for a while, but your welcome to get a room at The Radley for you and Olivia if you can come and pick her up once your done.

Jason: Yeah, of course. Enjoy your hang out with your friends. Love you xx

Me: Love you too xx

Making my way to The Radley, Olivia was peacefully staring out the window without a care in the world. Eventually arriving at The Radley, Olivia woke up, smiling. She saw my friends standing outside waiting for me, along with Mrs Marin and Mona.

"Aunty Hanna! Aunty Emily! Aunty Spencer! Mrs Marin! Mona!" Olivia yelled as she ran towards my friends.

"Olivia!" Hanna spoke, smiling.

"You guys didn't have to wait for me..." I said, smiling.

I wasn't necessarily excited to see Alison, even though she would soon be my sister-in-law. We walked inside.

"Wow Mrs Marin...this place looks amazing..." I said, complimenting a new look The Radley had adopted.

"Yeah. If you just came to Rosewood, you would have never known that this was a nut house." Hanna said, smiling.

"We'd prefer to use the English word Sanitorium." Mrs Marin spoke, giving Hanna a sarcastic look. Walking inside, Mrs Marin walked off while we all sat down. Olivia sat with me, while I ordered her a lemonade.

"So...we need to talk about the real reason we are here." Spencer said, brushing her newly acquired bangs out of her face.

"Oh, so we aren't here to talk about the letter that Ali sent us?" Hanna sarcastically replied, trying to earn a laugh...but she didn't.

"Very funny Hanna." I said, not smiling.

"So this court thing, are we going to be under oath?" Emily asked, taking a more serious turn.

"No oath, it's just about how we feel about Charlotte getting out." Spencer said in a dull tone, sipping her drink.

"No, tell the truth. It is about 'A' getting out." I said, not happy about any of this. How could Alison expect us to let Charlotte walk free?

"Five "A"-free years. You have to admit, that felt good." Hanna said, clearly reminiscing over the years that -A wasn't in our lives.

"I mean, a lot has happened, good, bad and ugly but all of it was uncontaminated by 'A'" Spencer said, lightening the mood.

"And now 'A' wants to go home." Emily said, staring into space.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked, concerned. Olivia just sat besides me, confused.

"We drop off our bags and we go meet Ali at 4 o'clock and listen to what she has to say." Spencer spoke.

"Aunt Spencer?" Olivia asked.

"Yes Olivia?" Spencer replied, focusing her attention on Olivia.

"Why are you guys and mommy talking about a person named -A?" Olivia asked, causing me to tense up.

"It's nothing Olivia. We have some things we need to sort out. It's nothing for you to worry about." Spencer said, opening her arms so that Olivia could go over and hug her.

Unexpected turn //Jaria+EzriaWhere stories live. Discover now