Silly Bloopers! (Contains Captain x Player)

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A/n: I honestly didn't have any one-shot inspiration today, so I decided to post this for all of you! Maybe get a small laugh out of everyone? (Haha, I'm not funny, lol)

All of my discord roleplayers probably know some of these...

Not PG btw, a few innuendos ._.


Captain's hearing things.


Player: Captain, do you wanna fight?

Captain: What? Why would I want to fight you, Player?

Player: ...Captain, what the hell? I asked 'where's the sprite-'.

Captain: O-Oh, in the mini-fridge-


Player: *checks his phone* Captain! I have a question

Captain: *groggy because he just woke up from his nap* Yes, Play?

Player: Veteran said he was going shopping, so, wanna Bang?

Captain: *flustered* I'm sorry, what-

Player: *confused why Captain is flustered* I asked if you wanted a Bang soda-

Captain: O-Oh, no thanks


Player: Captain, let's go grocery shopping!

Captain: Coming, Player!

*at the grocery store*

Player: Wow, Captain, look at their ass!

Captain: *feels betrayed* I- W-What-

Player: Is everything okay? I said they take cash-

Captain: O-Oh... I've been hearing things, I need more sleep...


Player: Rest well, Captain! *closes Captain's door and exits the room*

Captain: *pretends to sleep but sneaks behind Player* Hehe, I'm gonna scare him...

Stoner: Veteran's gonna be in another lobby, he told me to tell you, Player.

Player: I'm gonna kiss him...

Captain: *gasps* Player, how could you?!

Player: *turns around* Captain, I thought you were asleep! Anyway, is everything okay?

Captain: You're gonna kiss Veteran?!

Player: *disgusted* W-What? Hell no! Why would I kiss Veteran...?

Captain: *sad bean noises* I heard you say you'd kiss him...

Player: *facepalms* Captain, I said I was going to miss him!

Captain: ...Oh- Okay, I'm gonna actually go to bed now.


A/n: I'm not funny, lol... Anyway, the next one-shot will be done soon! I posted this as a filler for the gap I've left for a week.

Hope I got a little laugh out of you!

See you all soon! Bye for now!


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