Player x Captain (Personality Switch)

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A/n: Slight AU- (I hate AUs, but I really wanted to write this). Basically, Player and Captain have swapped personalities. Veteran is still Player's friend and all, so no relationships are changed. Okay, read on! Just a warning-- I'm like half asleep while writing this. Get ready for some terrible writing and a lot of possible grammar mistakes.

First time I've written on my laptop instead of my phone for like six months!-




Don't get me wrong-- I don't hate the fellow crewmembers aboard the Skeld. They're just a huge nuisance at times. Is it really too difficult for MrCheese to understand not to put a fork in the microwave? Or for Gnome and Engineer to keep PDA at a minimum? 

Every day is nearly the same here on the Skeld. Either someone stole someone else's socks, or something is on fire.

"Aah, help! Gentleman, help me!" MrCheese shouts. Gentleman dashes into the kitchen, where MrCheese currently had a pan full of eggs-- that were on fire. Gentleman rushes to grab a fire extinguisher but ends up slipping on the slippery floor. He goes flying a few feet in the air before flying back down, landing on his stomach.

I facepalm and think, these idiots. I pick up the extinguisher and exterminate the flame. Once the job was done, I send a cold-hard glare at MrCheese. He chuckles sheepishly and mumbles, "S-Sorry, C-Captain... Heh..."

"Make yourselves a bit useful and clean up this mess, would ya?" I haphazardly toss the fire extinguisher at MrCheese. He catches it with a grunt before shouting, "Y-Yes, Captain!"

See what I must deal with every day? Sometimes I wish I was the captain of another ship. What just happened, though, wasn't the worst part. The worst part of this job was Player. I swear, he must have a hobby of following me around or something. It's seriously the most annoying thing ever.

"Bestie!" Speak of the devil. Player trots up to me, a huge grin upon his face. I inhale sharply and say, "What, Player?"

"I was wondering... Do you want to go on a picnic with me later? I asked Veteran, but he said he had a lot of tasks today... Besides, I know you're off on Saturdays!" I stare at him, dumbfounded. "I'll even compose a new song, just for you! J-Just, please? Hang out with me for a bit...?"

"First off," I say, "How do you know I'm free on Saturdays?"

"O-Oh, uh... I may have checked your schedule... Whoops..."

"I'll think about your offer," I say finally. Player's eyes light up notably. "Really?! I can't wait, bestie!"

"I said I'll think about it-!" Player was already long gone. I let out an exasperated sigh and readjust my hat. See what I must deal with every day?

"Captain!" Finally, someone who isn't a nuisance. On this ship of nuisances, Stoner is the only sane person. I might even call him my friend-- if he's lucky.

"What is it, Stoner?" Knowing Stoner, he'd finally tell me something important-- like he found a defect in navigation's coordinates-

"I just thought you'd want to know that MrCheese blew up our last spare microwave..."





There wasn't a perfect word to explain the excitement I was currently feeling. Captain, my bestie, wanted to go on a picnic with me! This is the first time he didn't turn me down.

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