Player x Blue: Comfort

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A/n: This one-shot was requested by NathanJoku. Tysm for your request and I hope u enjoy it!

Edit: Quick apology for all the POV switches... I'll work on using less of those for future one-shots! <3




There's something wrong with me...

I stared at him from the distance, my cheeks redder than his suit. Why can't this feeling go away? Why must I be cursed?

This cursed feeling started to form deep inside of me when, well... I'll let the story explain itself.


3rd person


1 hour before Blue with luv (if u get the reference I will love you forever)

"Player, pass me the milk."

Player rolls his eyes and passes his best friend the carton of chocolate milk. "Are you gonna finally tell me what's got you so upset?"

"Shush your face and get me some cinnamon crunch."

"Ugh! Veteran, I've seriously had enough of this! Why can't you just tell me what I did?!"

Veteran stands up suddenly, the screech of his chair startling Player. "I can't believe you don't know already! Do I have to spell everything out for you?! Just how stupid are you, Player?!"

Player stared Veteran in the eye, trying to prevent Veteran from seeing the tears swelling in his eyes. "Fine. Have it your way...," he whispers, exiting the cafeteria. The truth was, he knew why Veteran was upset. Ever since the whole 'bff friendship bracelet' situation, Veteran has been cold him. The only reason Player knew? He yelled at Captain until he spilled everything.

Now he was in the present, sobbing freely once he entered security. Tears dribbled onto the floor, creating a warm puddle of liquid beneath him.

"Everyone!" Captain's voice rang out on the loudspeaker, "I will be starting a round now!"

The whole room darkens, sending all crewmembers (and imposters!) into the cafeteria. Player groans, eyeing his role. He knew he had terrible luck, but he was hoping he'd be able to forget about his pain through murdering the fellow innocent crewmembers. (A/n: Player, you're not okay, you need HELP buddy...)

"Great... I'm gonna be chopped to pieces by the imposters again... Just great."


30 minutes before Blue with luvvvv ~

Blue was busy minding his own business, completing his tasks in electrical. He secretly hated playing on the Skeld for a few reasons— the biggest reason was that he liked seeing people getting swallowed alive by molten lava. (A/n: Okay, Blue... You and Player should have your first date in a mental hospital-)

A few dead bodies were reported every once in a while. Blue managed to finish all of his tasks in about ten minutes, granting him some free time. Mindlessly, he walks around the large ship. He starts to hum some tunes that he created on the spot. Blue loved to compose his own music and sing. He was quite good at it too. His musical talent was kept a secret because he didn't want to cause a ruckus by telling the other crewmembers. Besides, he doubted they'd care anyway. They all hated him.

"Hey, Blue, surprised to catch ya near MedBay... You have any tasks in here?"

Blue shakes his head. "Negative, Orange."

Among us Not-So-Logical One-Shots! (AUL)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora