MrCheese x MrEgg: Pocky

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A/n: Pocky challenge bitchesss-

Maybe NSFW-ish remarks but no actual shit

Ok, this was fun to write ngl- (I wrote this before I wrote the chapter, ayo Flare this makes a lot of sense)

Note: MrCheese is taller than MrEgg in this fic




It was late afternoon when I had a sudden craving for something sweet. So, I left my quarters and enter the cafeteria.

"Mmm... Marshmallows? No, eww. Popcorn, too salty... Pocky?"

I stared at the pink-colored box for a few moments, debating whether or not I should try it. From the looks of it, it was a long cookie with some strawberry frosting at the tip? I shrug and decide to try it. I got nothing to lose anyway.

After opening the box, I take out one of sticks. After examining the sweet treat for a few seconds, I place the stick in my mouth and chew slowly.

My eyes widen. This is literally so good-

I eat another stick before shoving the entire box into my pocket. I walk back into my quarters and pop onto my phone. I research the 'Pocky' treat for a bit and come across something that... Well, you could say intrigued me.

My lips form a smirk as I thought about trying it with someone... But who...

That's when I thought of my worst enemy, MrEgg. My smirk only grew wider as I thought about him.

This is going to be fun.




It was late afternoon when I decided to finish up my tasks for the day. Usually, I was one of the first to finish, but... I wasn't really up to it today. I felt a bit nauseous.

Luckily, skipping a few meals DID help. I no longer felt nauseous, but now? Now I was starving.

I groan in annoyance as my stomach grumbled on and on without rest. "Alright, alright!" I hiss quietly, "I'll go get something to eat."

I stumble into the cafeteria, barely having even a hint of energy.

"Hey, MrEgg~" I heard a stupid voice say. I rolled my eyes and mumble, "I'm not in the mood, MrCheese. Go away."

He pouts and says, "Rude... I just wanted to play a game with you is all!"

"No," I hiss. I go back into the pantry, in search of a snack.

"C'mon, pleaseeeeee?"

"...If I play, will you leave me alone?!"


"Ugh," I grumble, "Fine. What is it, MrCheese."

He pulls out a pink box and places it on the table. "Have you ever heard of Pocky?"

I shake my head. "I don't believe so."

"This is how the game works," he says, his smirk still on his face. "Don't eat it until I start eating the other side."


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