Player x Veteran: Lost?

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A/n: I just realized that I haven't written a Player x Veteran one-shot in a while—

It's a popular request, so... I hope you enjoy!~

:D <3




I regret agreeing to this. Now I'm all alone in the wilderness. No one knows where I am— I don't even know...

Let me start from the beginning.

It was just a normal afternoon on planet Earth, our home planet. We had just landed after over a year of living inside of the ship. Everything was just how I remembered— the grass was a beautiful green, the sky was a beautiful blue. The sun would start to set in an hour or so.

"I can't believe it, we're finally home!" Gnome exclaims, hopping into a patch of grass and rolling around. Engineer chuckles and watches her with a smile before joining her.

"Wow, dude, can you believe it? It's finally over...," Veteran says, patting my back. I take a deep breath of the crisp, cool air and sigh. "Yeah... honestly, I'm gonna miss that..."

"Honestly, same, but... At least we're finally home! Remember when we first boarded the Skeld, and you were talking about how much you regretted it?" I nod and smile a bit at the memory. I had been so reluctant to become an astronaut, but my parents needed the money. I never knew I'd become so close with the crewmembers and even have an overbearing crush on one...

"...Dude? You still there?"

"H-Huh? Yeah, s-sorry, I zoned out for a moment, what did you say...?"

"Oh, Captain just asked if you thought camping would be a good idea, considering how late it's getting and yada yada." Veteran rolls his eyes a bit.

"Yeah, why not."


"Alright, so, we have enough tents as long as everyone pairs up," Captain says, eyeing his tablet.

"Gnome and Engineer will take one, Stoner and I will take one, and you guys can decide the rest."

"Wanna be bunk mates bro?" Veteran asks from behind me, and I squeak in surprise. He wanted to pair up with me?

"S-Sure-!" I stutter, not looking into his eyes. He doesn't seem to think much of this and says, "Alright, sounds like a plan dude!"

The two of us set up our tent. It doesn't take us more than twenty minutes to pitch the tent correctly.

"Wow, epic, now all we need is firewood. Do you want me to fetch some?"

"I- I got it," I volunteer. His face lights up a bit. "Thanks, dude! I owe you one."

His smile was contagious. I found myself grinning moments later.

By now, the sun was starting to set. The sky was a beautiful orange-red. I admired the beautiful natural phenomenon before returning back to my objective— to find firewood for the crew.

It wasn't that hard to find fresh logs in the forest. There were dozens and dozens just laying around, almost begging for me to take them.

Once I had as many as I could possibly carry, I decided to head back. It was almost completely pitch-black.

That's when I heard a growl. My heart nearly stops.

A wolf, about half my size, stood before me, baring its fangs. Its fangs glisten underneath the moonlight. Two other wolves appear behind the first wolf, all growling. I let out an ear-piercing screech before dropping all of the logs and running as fast and far as my legs could carry.


I'm not sure how long I ran, but that brings us to the present. I'm alone in this vast forest. No one, including myself, knows where I am. I'm alone.

By now, it was certainly past midnight. I could hear the sound of wolves howling in the distance.

My whole body ached. I wanted so badly to rest, but I knew that I'd be sitting ducks out here. It was dangerous to let my guard down for even a moment, so I immediately discarded the idea of resting.

I wish that I had Veteran with me. He always knew what to say in these situations. He always knew how to calm me down.

That's what I love so much about him. I love how he cares about me, like no one else does. I know he only thinks of me as a friend, but... I'll forever love him...

The sound of hissing fills my ears, snapping me out of my thoughts abruptly. I frantically look around.

My heart nearly stops when I spot a rattlesnake. It stared directly at me, its tail standing tall.

I slowly back away before running once again, ignoring the throbbing pain in my legs. My only concern was survival at this point— I was honestly worried that I'd never see Veteran or my friends ever again.

Tears filled my tired eyes as the thought haunted me. The thought of dying alone in the wilderness, with nobody. Without Veteran there, whispering comforting nothings to me. I needed him.

So, without thinking much of it, I shout Veteran's name as loud as possible.


My voice was desperate. What am I doing, there's no way he'd hear that-!


For a moment I thought I was hallucinating. Veteran stood behind me, his eyes filled with worry and regret.

He tackles me into a hug. "O-Oh my god, dude, thank g-goodness you're okay... I thought I l-lost you." A few tears leaked out of his eyes. I return the hug and cry onto his shoulder, mumbling, "I w-was so scared..."

"I shouldn't have let you go alone, I'm so sorry, Player...," he whispers, wiping my tears away gently with his finger. I lean into his hold for a while until he gently lets go.

"V-Vet, it's okay...," I whisper. He uses his hand to lift my chin up.

"No, it's not... I could've lost you..." His hot breath hit my neck, causing my breathing to hitch. He moves closer and closer before he fills in the gap between our lips.

He kissed me sweetly, gently caressing my cheeks. The kiss lasted about a minute before he pulled away, his hand still holding my chin up. My face dusts a light pink as a bury my face into his chest, too embarrassed to face him.

"Player, I love you... I couldn't live knowing something happened to you...," he whispers, his voice shaking a bit.

"I l-love you too, Vet..."

The two of us stand in silence for a few long moments before kissing once more, this time a bit heated than the first.

"I love you, Player," he whispers, holding my hand gently, "Now, c'mon, let's get some rest..."


A/n: Awww! Not my OTP but definitely wholesome! I hope this satisfies my Playvet shippers, and I hope I can post more Playvet to fill your needs!

Anyway, that's it for now!! Flare, out!

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