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That lady right there is Sky and Matthews mom. Yes it's Angelina Jolie:)

Matthews POV

It's been 2 weeks since my sister has been in a coma. I've been stuck in my room all day,  barely eating. Jordan has been constantly trying to get me out of the room, well the house in general. But I refused. I would not come out the room until I see her eyes open.

My mom has been away for us too. Well obviously she's in jail, and she got what she deserved. After the way she treated me and Sky, and then trying to get back in our lives just to probably torture it more, she deserves to rot in jail.


I haven't been to school at all since Sky went to the hospital. I'm probably not missing much either. School wasn't the best thing for me anyways.

I got texts from Jordan and sometimes Hayden about school work. Of course, Shawn hasn't responded. I'm not surprised either. I don't want to see him. I'm still pissed that he kissed me.

But why did it feel so good? Why was I allowing him? Why does it hurt that he isn't texting me? I don't want to see him, right?

I suddenly feel a tear come down my face. It's been a while since I've cried over a guy or girl.  Why should I miss him when all he has ever done to me was treat me dirty. And then he comes toward me and kisses me? Tease me around and everything? It doesn't make sense.

I went downstairs for the first time since I got home. I only am down because I ran out of food.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I didnt open it until it kept knocking. As soon as I open it, the door closed and I was agressively pin on the wall and someones head was on a sensitive part of my neck.


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