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<Matthews POV>

Its been a little over a month now. I started actually getting better. I started to recover from the whole situation.

So let me break down what happened this past month after the incident...

The girl finally got pressed charges. Apparently her name was Hannah, sounds like a basic white bitch name. Anyways, they saw that she has had many things on her record that she has harassed and sexually assaulted many men before, she even tried raping her younger step sister just because she found out the sister was trans. So that would more be like her brother now.

She also was always drinking illegally and driving a car. The girl is only 16. Throwing her whole life away for something like that.

Now shes being sentenced 10 years.

I don't feel sorry for her. I do feel sorry for her family though, especially her BROTHER.

After the court made the decision. They offered a better place for me and my sister to go. To stay at. They knew about our situation due to our mother being in jail. They wanted us to go somewhere better.

So Jordan and his mom took me and Sky in.

I was so happy. And my boyfriend is too. Matter a fact he bought me a gift and told me he loved me yesterday. 

It was one of the happiest moments I have been in I don't know how long.  I love him so much.

'I never thought that we would go from hating each other to  loving each other unconditionally. I will stick by your side no matter what happens between us. I will love you til my my heart stops and says its time to go. I will never make it a day without knowing if you are safe with me or not. But I want you to feel safe with me. That is why I will always be there to listen to when you need it. Or if needing a shoulder to cry on. I want to hold you tight in my arms as you fall asleep. That's how safe I want you to feel. I love you so much, baby boy'.

That was the message he sent me the same day he gave me that gift. He didn't know how to say it in person and he wanted to make sure I could read those words when in need of comfort.

Yeah. It's starting to get so much better. I hope nothing bad will happen after all the shit that happened.

And even if it did, like Shawn said, he will make sure to never go a day without knowing im safe.

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