Chapter 18: Who Am I

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I can feel that slight hum on my skin, I'm still fucking horney, what's the deal with that?. That Jesse guy was nice enough to help me out when I asked, then I passed out. So why am I still feeling this need!?. I all of a sudden feel like I'm on fire and I start thrashing and moaning. Whatever was making it feel better is gone. I think this is a pain all its own. Iv never felt this sort of thing before, has Alpha found a new way to hurt me. I try to open my eyes and can't, then I try to make out the muffled words that are being talked around me to figure out where I am but it's no use.

I feel fingers poking and prodding at me and I wince even now and then. I feel something covering my body but I'm not sure what it is. Then I feel something down there and squirm. Not again! Who has me now! With the hum I presumed it was Jesse but maybe I was wrong. It feels weird though, like someone scraped something inside! Then it's gone and so is the strange feeling. What the fuck!?

When I feel someone touch my foot, I flinch my foot away and cry out, there so sore. And I hear a deep rumble but I still can't make the sounds out! Oh Goddess this heat is getting worse by the second. What sort of spell is this. I groan with the pain then feel a hand on my ankle and it soothes the burning but not for long as the hand moves off me. The fire is unbearable, I try to move, to wake up, but it's no use.

Then I feel that hand on me again and Holy Fuck who ever it is, i need them, right fucking now. It's like I'm in the forest all over again! oh no. Is this person Alpha Darren? Oh goddess I have to try and fight it. But fuck am I getting wetter and wetter, but at least the burning has stopped for now. I can't help the moans and groans when the hand absently starts moving from my hand to my bare hip.

It's like he's fucking teasing me, swirling his finger closer and closer to my wet folds only to go back to my hip. Its driving me fucking insane. Juuuust. Waaakkkee. uupppp! Arrrrgggghhhh. Nothing, Nadal, zip, zilch.

If this is Alpha Darren I'm gonna have to kill him. If it's not.... Fingers crossed it's Jesse, I'd love to taste him and have him pleasuring me again. Just thinking about having him slide his cock deep inside me is driving me insane with need. This need is becoming painful now, why can't I wake up.

His hand moves off of me again and that fire comes back. If it's not one it's the other. Whhhhhyy. I then feel like I'm being pulled upright, and something goes over my head. I take a whiff and yuuum-mmmy, it's the smell of cinnamon and forest again. I feel my arm pushed and pulled through something, must be putting a top on me. Once my other arm is in, the top is pulled down to my bottom then I'm laid back down. And as it's pulled down so it's not bunched round my waist, his fingers brush over my clit and then they're gone. Bastard! What a complete and utter bastard!

I can't take this for much longer, something needs to give. In Fact if he's not going to help me out I want the fire back. It's not long till I get exactly that. After I don't even know how long, I feel like I have literally been set on fire. So now I'm screaming in my head for Jesse to come back. It has to be him, Alpha Darren would have fucked me while I was unconscious he's that disgusting. I start hearing a rapid beep-beep-beep-beep-beep getting faster the hotter I get. With all the strength I can muster I will myself to wake.

Yes! Finally! I blink rapidly, luckily it's not too bright. I get up, removing the wires causeing the beep, from my body and unsteadily, stumble to the bathroom. Not caring about my surroundings right now I just need to cool down, it's suffocating. I fumble for the shower handle and turn it on cold. And step Into it. It feels better for all of 2 minutes before my body feels like thousands of tiny needles are hitting my skin. I scream and fall backwards knocking something off the unit behind me. As it smashes I loose my balance and slip and land in the glass scratching my arms and hands. Fuck. Tears start falling down my face this hurts so fuck much.

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