Chapter 22: What The Fuck Was That

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I open my eyes when I feel a gust of wind and Jesse's Weight is no longer holding me down. I look over and see that Parker tackled him off me and to the floor. I roll over and fall off the bed as Parker is doing all he can to keep Jesse away from me.

The other 2 rushed in to help, and I let out a cry of relief that he managed to stop him before he went too far! Seeing one of Jesse's discarded tops n the floor I pick it up and chuck it over my head, covering myself which makes Jesse growl.


"Zander! bring Jesse back. You don't want to do this!"

"I SAID GET OFF!" and with brute strength he gets loose and comes at me. I scream and back up into the wall, turning my face away hoping the wall will just swallow me up. Just as he's almost to me he goes down, making me jump when I hear the thud. I see Parker has hold of his legs, and the other 2 pin his torso down.

I need to get out of here, so I run. Over the broken door and unit and down the hall. I manage most of the steps luckily before I trip and fall down the rest. I get up and run through the hall to the next set of stairs but slip and go crashing out the window. Seriously! I must have the world's worst luck!

Landing with a thud, I lay there struggling to catch my breath. I can still hear the struggle going on in the bedroom, the crash of things being broken, the snarls of anger. I get up on shaky feet and go crashing through the forest. Not having a destination in mind just that I need to get away. I don't get too far when I'm tackled to the ground and think shit, how did they not contain him. When we stop rolling and my wrists are pinned to the ground I look up and Jesse isn't the one staring back at me.

I can hear more feet headed this way and think someone's got to be able to help me. As I struggle with whoever this man is that starts sniffing and licking me. Eewww!
What the fuck is going on around here? Everyone's gone nuts! I'm sure this isn't there normal behavior.

"Your very powerful Kylie, it's been hidden for so long and now that it's finally released and you're still in heat, it's attracting all those that are strong and wanting to use your heat to have a taste of power. As generally when an unmated female goes into heat all males are mindless nymphomaniac's like she is so it's all willing Or it could go the other way….."

"What other way, Luna?"

"They will react as Zander, Jesse's wolf, just did. They what to show they are more powerful, and in our still weakened state some will act like Alpha and the rest did. And force us! Hurt us! As it makes them feel stronger, anything to make them feel stronger"

"What do I do? How do I stop it? This is bullshit. We're all supposed to be equa, why should it matter if I'm more powerful?"

She doesn't answer me which scares me a little. there has to be a way right?

"Luna!? How?.......LUNA?"

"I...I dont know. I'm still not strong enough to do anything. There will be those that won't crave the power knowing we're too strong for them, hopefully that will work in our favour! But there's never been a female that's stronger than the Alphas before, they won't like it. Will see it as unnatural"

"I highly doubt anyone will help then! I've been abused by other Omega's and everyone most of my life, so the power thing didn't seem to stop them." I scoff

"Alpha has had your powers subdued since mum n dad…. He didn't completely conceal it but kept me and you away from each other and weak so that it affected everyone differently. It halved your power and then he added a block so that you would come across as an Omega, but everyone still felt threatenend by you, they just didn't know why, so they lashed out because your disguised as an Omega, so weaker. We can discuss this later, for now just concentrate on what's happening"

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