Chapter24: Don't Want Your Pity

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"I know you're probably going to reject me, and you have every right to do that but please let me try to explain first. I'm sooo sor-" I cut off as she runs and jumps straight into my arms wrapping her legs around me. I just sigh in relief and hold her tight

"Thank you" She mutters squeezing me tighter

"What? Why are you thanking me? I scared and hurt shouldn't be thank-"

"Yes I should. You saved me from those men. You're forgiven for what happened, Luna told me why. I don't completely understand it but I'm just glad Parker stopped you in time. I don't know if I'd have been able to get over that."

"You're my mate I'd do anything for you, you don't have to thank me and We're still sorry. Zander has been feeling extra guilty about it. I just couldn't get him under control and then he shoved me to the back of his mind. I didn't know what had happened until he showed me. I don't think I'm gonna be able to say sorry enough"

"I don't need any more sorry's. With how all those men reacted, it must have been a lot harder for you with me being your mate. I know you told me roughly how mateing works but I don't really know what's right or wrong. But as I feel a very strong pull and desire for you i'm guessing you feel the same-"

"I do Kylie. And your right, it made the pull and desire infinitely stronger. But I should have been able to control Zander and I didn't, I couldn't" I say and she looks confused

"What? What is it?"

"You said Kylie! How did you....?"

"Your wolf told Zander. Why didn't you want to tell me?" She looks down in shame and in a small voice say

"It's not that I didn't want to tell you. I...I was just..... ashamed"

I put my finger under her chin and lifted her face to look at me.

"Why were you ashamed?"

"I've been called IT since I can remember that..... I forgot what my name was!...It wasn't until Luna broke through and said it that... that I remembered"

"I'm so sorry, do you know anything about your parents? Who they were? What pack were they from?"

"No, I only remember a few scattered memories from when I was very small. Like the first time I shifted, my parents were so proud. I remember them saying I was the first to ever shift so young. I remember running around with them in the clearing by the lake now that I've been back there. Them kissing me good night and telling me they love me before tucking me in. I miss them...Silly things I guess!" She had a faraway look on her face talking about them and playing memories in her head and what she doesn't know is I could see what she was seeing like a video clip

"It's not silly. There beautiful memories. You look just like your mother but you have your father's eyes and hair colour. I could see how much they adored you."

"You could see?"

"Yes, it's like a pack link, but I can hear everyone and as you had a very strong emotion attached to those memories, you projected them to me without realising you were doing it. We will find out all the information on them that we can OK? All supernatural have to be registered at birth and have regular updates on their information in the Royal Archives. We will find them, I promise" She give me a smile then bites her lip looking down, then looking back at me she says

"So what do we do now?" I think it's about time you kissed me

Leaning into her trying to hide my smile I say breathlessly

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