23 || Out of the Slammer

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This chapter is kind of mundane but I promise there is action coming up soon. Also, I love hearing your guys' feedback, no matter what! It really helps me guide the story to suit what you guys want. Thanks!

For four whole days, it was calm and quiet in the Glade. Zart and his pose limited their hatred for me to only glares instead of threats. Minho was out in the Maze most of the time, so he never ended up showing me where to wash my clothes. Thankfully, Newt stepped up to the job but kept insisting that I take off Gally's hoodie to wash it.

"You've had it on for days! It's clearly dirty!" He argued as he tried to wrestle it off of me.

"It's clean enough!" I argued back, praying that he'd let me keep it out of the wash. I was terrified that it would wipe it clean of Gally's smell. It was practically the only thing keeping me sane.

I wanted to go and visit Gally so badly, but after Newt and I went to talk to Alby he ordered me not to see Gally while he was in the Slammer. Supposedly, it was so that 'maybe he'll actually learn his lesson'.

I may have only known Gally for a week, but he did not strike me as the 'learn his lesson' type. Even though I disagreed with his reasoning, I promised to stay away from Gally. In return, Alby promised to keep an eye on Zart.

During the four different days I tried four different jobs: Cook, Bricknick, Slicer (it was basically as traumatizing as it sounds) and Medjack. Within the first hour of helping out Jeff and Clint, I knew it was the one I wanted.

In the morning we were just patching up scrapes and checking in on people with long term injuries. The rest of the day we spent cleaning up the Med-hut and then reading through the few first aid and emergency care books that the Glade had. I absolutely loved it, and Alby declared me 'officially a Medjack' right then and there. Clint and Jeff seemed happy about it.

Things were going so smoothly for those four days. There was no violence and no drama. I got a good feel for what life was like in the Glade on a day-to-day schedule and I must admit it calmer than I expected.

Now that the four days had passed, Gally was to be let out once the Doors were closed. I was with Clint and Jeff in the Med-hut helping tidy up the hut and put everything away for the night. I was practically bouncing up and down with excitement. Any ideas I'd had about not seeing Gally when he got out were washed away just by thinking about the things he'd said to me.

"Hey (Y/N), you can just leave for the day now." Clint offered, drawing me back from my daydreams. My face lit up and I thanked him enthusiastically. He made sure to explain that it wasn't a friendly favor but simply because they'd be better off without me today.

In my distracted state, I'd apparently been putting the sorted bandages away in completely the wrong order. I apologized with a laugh, the embarrassment obvious in my body language. As soon as the conversation was over, I took off sprinting towards the Slammer. Newt, Alby, Frypan and a few others I didn't recognize were standing outside the door.

Just as I arrived at Newt's side, the low chest-vibrating rumble of the Doors closing began. After thirty agonizing seconds, it finally stopped and Alby stepped forward and unlocked each of the locks. Gally was waiting on the other side of the door and immediately stepped out, his eyes scanning our faces until he stopped at mine.

"(Y/N)." He breathed out in relief. Clearly, he was happy to see me there and I couldn't help but smile at that. He reached me in only two strides and wrapped me up in the biggest hug he could manage. I hugged him back tightly.

Alby let out a sigh and warned Gally to stay in line, to which Gally nodded seriously. Frypan, Newt, Gally and I made our way over to the Homestead, the boys and I filling Gally in on the dull events from the last few days, including me finally telling Zart off. Gally congratulated me.

Once we reached the entrance, Frypan asked if Gally would be sitting with their group at dinner like usual, gesturing to Gally and I's hands that had been latched together for the whole walk over.

"We'll see. There's something I've got to ask (Y/N) first." He explained in a hushed voice. His words made my stomach turn immediately into a nervous knot. Frypan nodded and walked off and Gally dropped my hand and turned to face me. Fidgeting nervously, it took him a moment to speak.

"You know there's a lot of time to overthink things in there." He jabbed his thumb towards the cement block that he'd been kept in for the past few days. "So let me know if I'm talking crazy, okay?" I nodded intently and he inhaled a shaky breath.

"We are officially dating, right? Because everyone can already see that there's something going on with us, but it would be nice to be able tell people that you're my girlfriend." His ears were red and I could feel how nervous he was.

"Yes, Gally. You are hereby officially my boyfriend, and me your girlfriend." I announced in a terrible British king accent, which earned a breathy laugh from him. Man, I love his laugh.

"Good, that makes this next question a lot less out of the blue... Would you want to, uh, come stay in my room with me? It's just that I don't know how I feel about my girlfriend sleeping in other boys' rooms."

"I'd love to." I gushed. I was not expecting him to ask that question so soon but considering I didn't have a room of my own I was more than agreeable. Gally tried not to show how happy he was about my answer but I knew he was relieved.

We had just parted ways to go eat at our separate tables when I noticed Zart-- who was leaning against a wall just a few feet from where our conversation was-- staring me down. Now that I had my footing in the Glade and I knew that Alby and Newt were on my side against him, I had no problem with glaring right back.

I explained to Newt, Thomas, Chuck and an exhausted Minho about the conversation I just had with Gally and got a lot of happy responses. Except for Thomas, who half spat out his drink.

"What's wrong?" Newt asked him in concern. He didn't respond, angrily slamming his cup down and storming off. I gave Newt a questioning look and he shrugged, quickly getting up and running after Thomas.

"What's his problem?" I asked aloud, hoping that someone had some answers.

"I didn't say anything because I thought it was obvious." Chuck piped up, "For someone who's in a relationship, you sure are clueless, (Y/N). Thomas definitely has a thing for you. I mean, he is bisexual after all."

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