14 || Caught Sneaking Off

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Thank you all for so many reads and votes! Every single one of you means so much to me!

Gally and I stayed there for a while, huddled together, leaning against the wall. We were very quiet, both praying that none of the other boys would wake up.

My mind was crammed full of thoughts. I had a million questions I still wanted to ask, and I couldn't stop replaying the recent Gathering in my head. The storm sounds outside weren't helping, along with the occasional shouting of the few boys still outside trying to secure things.

"Gally?" I wondered again after a while. He lifted his head from on top of mine to look at me and mumbled an 'mhmm?'

"Why does everyone hate you? In the Gathering... how could they all be so quick to turn on you?" I wondered. He hesitated for a bit. I couldn't tell if I'd hit a bad topic or if he was actually just contemplating the answer.

"I dunno. I guess I've just always been the mean one around here. I don't spare anyone's feelings." He said thoughtfully, though his words really seemed to bother him.

"Why?" I asked, trying to hide how nervous I was that my words might upset him. Him feeling bad was the last thing I wanted.

"I kinda have to be. Everyone here is so soft and sympathetic with everyone else. Someone has to be honest with them, to keep them tough. It's like a reminder to keep their guards up constantly. They have to, at least in this place." He explained almost sadly. I thought about what he was saying for a minute, then nodded.

The thunder and lightning had subsided for the most part. Now, it was only the heavy rain and powerful winds that were a problem for the Glade.

"I should go back to my bed before someone catches me. It's almost two, so the outside crew should be done soon. The storm's pretty well over, anyway." He said regretfully. My heart dropped in disappointment, but I knew he was right.

"Oh yeah, you probably should. Sorry for keeping you in here so long." I apologized. He chuckled once, then reached out and ruffled my already knotted hair. I gasped, hitting him in the arm angrily. He didn't even flinch. Curse that shuck-face.

"Don't apologize, (Y/N). I wanted to stay." He explained. I smiled at that. He rose to his feet and went to leave, but I pulled him into one quick last hug. The Gathering was meant to resume as soon as possible. I realized that if I woke up late, I might not get to see him beforehand.

"Goodnight." I said, letting him go and crawling back into my sleeping bag. Without him, the room was suddenly much colder. He paused, then repeated the word back to me and left. Not even a minute had passed before a voice came out of the darkness.

"So you and Gally, huh?" I practically jumped out of my skin. I looked over and in the faint moonlight I could make out Newt facing me, propped up on one elbow.

"Newt, you nearly gave me a heart attack! W-When did you—how long have you been awake? You-" He cut me off.

"Oh, take a breath. I just saw him leaving." He explained. I calmed down significantly at that. "So, did you guys... you know?"

"No! No! Shuck no! He just came to see if I was okay and we got distracted talking. Why would you even go there?!" I asked.

"It was a fair question!" He defended. I went to lecture him about equal treatment when our door burst open, hitting me hard in the ankle.

"Ow!" I yelped, sitting up and grabbing my injured ankle in pain. I looked up, already annoyed, to see a flashlight-wielding Minho in our doorway. He was short enough that I could clearly see Gally behind him, even from sitting down.

"Newt! Newt! Look, I just caught him trying to sneak in here!" Minho announced, proud of himself similar to the way a fisherman would be proud of catching a big fish.

"You bloody idiot. He was sneaking out, not in." Newt mentally facepalmed, you could see it in his expression. Minho muttered an 'oh', his expression falling. As realization set in, however, his face turned to a cheeky grin.

"Wait, does that mean... (Y/N), were you two-" I cut him off before he could get any further, repeating what I'd said to Newt. Gally had his arms crossed grumpily, but to me he looked like he just wanted to disintegrate into the floor in embarrassment.

"Well even if that is what really happened, you're still not allowed to sneak around at night." Minho commented. Newt sprung out of bed, tapping Thomas on the shoulder to wake him up.

"What are you guys—Gally, oh, w-what are you doing here?" Thomas asked, his voice going up a couple octaves in fear when he saw Gally. I almost giggled but didn't.

"Minho just caught Gally sneaking out of here after he went to see (Y/N)." Newt explained evilly, sitting against the bed-frame next to Thomas. Thomas laughed, then cut himself off after an angry glare from Gally.

"What's the big deal, guys? Are you really going to go snitch on him for coming to check on me?" I asked softly, looking from Newt to Minho. I used my puppy dog eyes, and I could see in Newt's expression that he wasn't going to do anything about Gally.

Minho and Thomas, however, were not going to let it go so easily.

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