33 || Memories and a Missing Person

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This chapter is kind of short (sorry), but I'm already working on the next one so don't worry.

And I still don't have the brainpower to edit these so please point out any errors.

TW: none.

"What are you talking about?" Minho sounded simply defeated.

"The Maze! I have a memory, Minho!" I was practically bursting with excitement. I shut my eyes tight, trying to remember it exactly. "I'm sitting at a desk, doing something on a computer. I think... I'm pretty sure I'm designing this part of the Maze."

"Oh, really?" He was clearly skeptical.

"Yes, really! Up there, there's two lefts then a right and that leads to the Cliff." I explained, surprising not only Minho but myself. I suddenly knew this part Maze so well in my head that I couldn't have been more accurate if there was a map in my hand.

Minho was completely still for a moment and furrowed his eyebrows deeply. "You couldn't have known that, (Y/N)." Based on his answer, I knew I was right.

"Holy shuck." I leaned against the wall for support as memories and patterns came flooding into my mind and causing my head to spin.

"How could you possibly know that?" Minho's voice was intense.

"I don't... I don't know. It's just there." I replied as honestly as I could. His face had transformed from doubtful to hopeful.

"Well, maybe you remember something useful? Like, say, a way to discover an exit?" He prompted. I pinched the bridge of my nose, willing my mind to deal with all the new information.

"Maybe, I don't know. There's a lot to sort through." I was trying to sort the patterns and turns into Sector groups, but everything kept jumbling up. "I think seeing this place triggered the memory. Without seeing the rest of the Maze, everything's so mixed together."

"Well, we've got plenty of time, if nothing else. It might take a while, but if you need to see the Maze to remember, then that's what we'll do." Minho announced joyously. To be frank, his excitement made me nervous. What if I didn't know anything more than he did, and this was all just false hope?

"Can we head back to the Glade now? I need a minute to think, and maybe some paper to write things down."

"Yeah, sure thing. It's getting close to lunch time, and I prefer Frypan's real cooking to the crummy sandwiches we take with us."

It didn't take us very long to get back to the Doors, as we took the most direct path instead of the mapping route. When we arrived, lunch was in the middle of being served and Minho and I got in line right away.

"(Y/N)!" I turned around to see Gally running over to me and it put a smile on my face.

"Hey, Gal." I greeted him. It was comforting to escape my thoughts for a moment as we hugged.

"How was it? Did anything happen? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but a lot happened actually. Well, sort of. It's a long story, but I remembered something." I lowered my voice on the last part as to not draw any attention. "It's not urgent, so I'll explain later. In private." I gestured with my eyes to all the people around us and he nodded in understanding. "Anything happen here?"

He knew immediately that I was referring to Zart and the others. "Actually, that's what I ran over to tell you. Thomas is missing."

My heart stopped beating for a second and the hair on the back of my neck rose.

"But don't freak out. We know he isn't armed, so as long as you stick with Minho or I you'll be fine." He could see that I was still freaking out and pulled me into another hug. "You're safe, (Y/N). Zart and his gang are in the Slammer still. Nobody's going to hurt you, I promise."

Gally mentioning that Thomas was unarmed made a thought occur to me. I looked to Minho, who had been listening in on the conversation. "Who exactly knows about that secret storage room?" I whispered. He followed my thoughts easily.

"Alby does. I don't think he would have told anyone, especially not Thomas and them. He was right about you knowing things, so hopefully he's still sane enough to slim it. Besides him, it's just Razz, Chris, Locke and I. So unless Alby said something, nobody else would know."

Hearing that was a relief. Gally was quick to ask what we were talking about, but Minho and I both assured him that the less people that knew about it the better. He was hesitant to be left out, but in the end he trusted our judgement.

I wasn't very hungry after hearing the news about Thomas, but Minho practically forced me to eat. According to him, I would never figure out what all my memories meant if I didn't fuel my body at this very moment. I knew that he was being overdramatic, but I sympathized. This was the first ounce of hope he'd gotten in months. I was just praying that it wouldn't be for nothing.

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