32 || Into the Maze

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Hello again! Its been a while, I know. The past month has been absolute hell for me, and I know I haven't updated in a long time. I have everything plotted out to the end of the book, now I just need to actually write it.

I could not be more grateful for everyone's kindness and patience. I would apologize again, but I feel like I can only say sorry so many times before it's meaningless lol.

Also, it's unedited. : )

TW: none.

Admittedly, I was nervous. All throughout breakfast, I kept staring at the Maze entrance. I felt like it was almost teasing me. Minho had woken me up early to start getting ready. We were leaving early in the morning-- as that time of day is typically safer-- but not quite at the crack of dawn like Runners usually do.

Gally got up early with me. He had been particularly clingy last night and I wasn't really sure how much sleep he had gotten. Despite me trying to convince him that I'd be fine, he kept subtly bringing up points on why I shouldn't go.

Halfway through breakfast, Gally had even asked Minho if he could come along with us. Obviously, the answer was no. No matter how hard Gally tried to will time to slow, eventually it came time for Minho and I to leave. As we approached the Walls, Minho noticed that the color drained from my face.

"I swear, (Y/N). You'll be fine. Shuck, it might even be a nice distraction from all this, yeah?" Minho attempted to comfort me.

"Yeah, maybe." I tried to be optimistic. Minho crossed over the threshold of the Glade easily, but to me it felt like a hard barrier. I stopped at the line, staring at the ground. Minho, likely knowing the fear well, beckoned for me to follow him and it helped break me out of my trance.

With a deep breath, I stepped off of the grass and onto the dusty ground of the Maze, earning a congratulatory cheer from Minho. I looked back over my shoulder as I started jogging away. Gally was standing in the grassy field, watching me leave like I was already dead.

It took at least fifteen minutes for the initial fear to wear off. I was more out of shape than I thought I would be, but Minho was very understanding. Not everyone was trained to be a Runner.

Contrary to what I'd heard, the Maze seemed very peaceful. The air was still and hot, which wasn't so nice, but it was mostly quiet. The vastness of the twists and turns gave a nice variety from the suffocating Walls in the Glade.

"I'm starting to see... why you chose to be a Runner." I managed between heaving breaths as we jogged.

"It is pretty nice, I guess. I remember my first time out here. It felt like this place was just buzzing with possibility." He seemed to experience a spark of genuine happiness before his expression went sour. "After you run it a few hundred times, though, it kind of looses its charm."

I was a little taken aback by his sudden bitterness, and was confused on whether or not it was directed at me. We took intervals between jogging and walking as we made our way deeper and deeper into the Maze.

"See anything familiar yet, (Y/N)?" Minho eventually asked. His tone bluntly showed his annoyance.

"Nope." I answered simply, trying not to give him the bait to start an argument. He glowered at me for a moment, then turned his attention back forwards. After a minute or so, I needed to stop for another walking break.

"What are we even looking for?" Minho complained. I shrugged.

"You know as well as I do. Alby never specified." I replied docilly.

"This is pointless. If there was a way out, the Runners and I would have found it by now. I should never have gotten on board with Alby's nonsense." Groaned Minho.

"We haven't even been out here for a full day. If we just keep trying, then maybe we'll have a better chance of finding-"

"There isn't a way out, (Y/N)!" Minho snapped loudly. We stopped dead, both startled by the outburst. "Alby and I have both known for a few months now. We've officially mapped and recorded every inch of this place. If there was an escape, we would have at least have seen something, but we haven't."

That was a lot to take in at once. "Why didn't you guys say anything? You've just been lying to everyone?"

"What do you think would happen if everyone found out that we're all going to be stuck in here until we die? It would break apart the Glade. Anarchy would begin. Especially after Newt..." He ran a stressed hand through his hair. "Look, people need hope. It was a tough decision, trust me, but this is how it has to be."

Silence hung in the air as I processed what was happening. "So, that's why you got so upset when Alby said all that stuff--because you knew it wasn't true... I had no idea that you were carrying all that on your own. I'm sorry, Minho."

He looked up, and really looked at me, and then gave a small smile. "It's okay, Shebean." He pulled me in for a double sweaty hug. I didn't have time to really accept the forgiveness, because my attention was drawn to something behind him.

"Minho?" He pulled away, asking what was up and turning to follow my eyes to a big sign engraved in the cement wall. World In Catastrophe, Killzone Experiment Department. "I...I think I recognize that."

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"WICKED. I think... I think remember something?"

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