5 || Almost Friendships

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I made my way back downstairs and to the bathroom. Newt had left the room to change, so I assumed he expected me to do the same. I reached the bathroom just as Newt was leaving.

"Gally lend you some pajamas?" He asked uninterestedly. He sounded like he was asking out of obligation rather than curiosity. I held the clothes up a little and nodded with an awkward smile.

"Good." He said simply, then brushed past me and went upstairs. Just as I went to enter the bathroom, someone popped their head out of the door across the hall and beckoned to me. It was the Asian boy from before. Newt had said the room belonged to a Minho, so my brain instantly attached the name to the face.

"Yeah, Minho?" I responded absently, ready for sleep and nothing else. He opened his door and slid the rest of his body through, a sly grin on his face.

"What do you think so far?" He asked whilst arching a bushy eyebrow. His question seemed odd to me, but then again, so did almost everything here.

"I mean, it's overwhelming, but nothing terrible has happened yet. Could be worse, right?" I shrugged, leaning my tired body on the doorframe. He seemed shocked by my answer.

"Most Greenies tend to not see it with such a direct ray of sunshine on it, but you're not wrong. Then again, you're also not most Greenies." He chuckled as he gestured to me. I shrugged, unable to think of a good response.

"Do you like bread?" He asked out of the blue, a cheeky grin on his face. I was still tired but now also intrigued.

"Possibly, why do you ask?" I wondered. He had a scheming look on his face, almost like he was planning world domination. He seemed pleased with my answer.

"Just wondering. Goodnight, (Y/N)." He said abruptly, then walked back into his room and shut the door. That kid was weird, but definitely entertaining.

I went into the bathroom and started to get ready for bed. I washed my face, used the toilet, combed through my hair with my fingers, put the elastic that had been keeping my hair in a ponytail on my wrist and then changed into the pajamas.

"Oh, God." I muttered as I tried to roll up the very loose pant legs. They came down far past my feet so that I looked hopelessly drowned in them. They wouldn't stay rolled up, so I just gave up on it and hoped I wouldn't trip over them too much. I cursed Gally's long legs.

The shirt he had lent me was a bit long in the sleeves and hemline, but it fit me well enough otherwise. Once I was done in the bathroom, I folded up my clothes and headed back upstairs to Newt's room. He was lying on the floor in a sleeping bag and already fast asleep.

Maybe he does like me after all, I considered to myself. He had left the bed for me, even leaving the pillow so that he was left with nothing but the sleeping bag.  I felt guilty as I climbed into the bed. I ended up gently placing the pillow next to his head in hopes he'd roll onto it or grab it in his sleep.

My thoughts raced as I tried to force myself to sleep. My body was tired and my eyelids felt like bricks, but my mind would not slow it's pace for anything. Eventually, the room went from very dimly lit to pitch black as the light coming in from the window depleted.

I was still awake at what I guessed was midnight. The silence of nighttime was enough to finally calm my mind, and I felt myself slowly drift off into the gentle blackness of sleep.


"(Y/N)." A voice hissed at me as I was shaken awake. I started to grumble in protest to being woken up, but a hand clamped down on my mouth to muffle the noise. This alarmed me, for obvious reasons, and I shot upright. When I saw that it was only Minho I calmed down. He was too comedic to be a threat in my mind. 

"Shut up before you wake up Newt's rule-abiding butt." He ordered in a barely audible whisper, removing his hand. I looked to the window, and it looked like it was about three in the morning.

"What do you want?" I asked groggily, rubbing my eyes. I stretched my body out, feeling almost comical as I did. He grinned evilly.

"We're stealing bread."

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