11 || Punched Him For You

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"What does tha-" I cut myself off in shock as he rose to his feet. He spun on his heel and stepped over the log we'd been sitting on, his fists and jaw clenched tight as he headed in Zart's direction. Realization clicked in my head like two puzzle pieces sliding together. I shot to my feet.

"Wait, Gally! Don't-" I was a millisecond too late. Gally had already grabbed Zart by the collar with one hand and punched him hard in the eye with the other. I gasped, covering my mouth with my hands.

"What the shuck?" Zart shouted. His 'friends' scrambled away, leaving Zart on his own. Gally grabbed Zart again and went to punch him for a second time. I jumped forward, my body finally remembering how to move.

"Gally, no!" I pleaded, reaching out to stop him. I was again too late and Gally punched Zart once more, this time in the temple. Before he could get in a third hit, I grabbed the arm he'd been punching with and held onto it for dear life.

He seemed to snap out of it when my skin met his. He turned immediately to meet my eyes. Slowly, Gally dropped his hold on Zart, allowing Zart to scurry off towards the Homestead. His jaw unclenched, and eventually so did his fists.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL, GALLY?" I was so frozen in surprise I hadn't seen Newt and Alby approach us. Gally snapped out of it, his jaw clenching again.

"What do you think you were doing?" Newt nearly growled, grabbing me by the elbow and pulling me away from Gally. Newt placed himself between us, and I could tell that this hurt Gally quite a bit.

"He deserved it." Gally huffed out. I felt rather odd, almost like I was present, but not quite enough that I could move. People were staring, and I felt uncomfortable.

"Gally, you can't just go around punchin' Gladers!" Alby exclaimed. The arguing continued, beginning to go in circles. I zoned out pretty fast, my thoughts training on Gally's bloodied knuckles. 

Without really thinking, I reached out from behind Newt and grabbed his injured hands and examined them. There were cuts and bruises covering them from the fights.

The others hushed for a second, looking at me like I was a leprechaun that had just burst out of a hole in the ground. Once I saw them staring, I let go of his hands.

"We're gettin' nowhere. Gally, go to the Med-hut. Now. I'll send out Clint. An' for shuck's sake, stay away from Zart." Alby instructed, taking advantage of the silence. Gally took a breath to speak, and Alby cut him off with a "Now."

He was visibly mad about it, but Gally listened and stormed off to the Med-hut. I found my feet carrying me after him. Newt grabbed my wrist to stop me but I easily wriggled free.

I had to jog a bit, but I caught up to him just in time to walk in the door. I sat in the chair next to him and didn't say a word.

"Why did you follow me?" Gally asked sourly, slumping back into his chair. I could see in his face how sore his body was.

"Honestly, I'm not sure." I replied truthfully. He glanced at me sideways and I gave him a flat, awkward smile.

A couple minutes passed, and then Clint came jogging up to the hut. He quickly assessed Gally's hands and got out some rubbing alcohol and bandages. He didn't question my presence.

"Why did you hit him?" I asked Gally quietly, picking nervously at my fingers. Gally answered as Clint applied some more alcohol, so his voice was stiff.

"He was being a sexist pig." He said as though it was obvious. How did he see nothing wrong with that?

"That doesn't mean that you can just hit him! What if I was doing the things he did?" I asked him angrily.

"That's different." He snarked pointedly. I wanted to flip a table. "You're a g—a lot smaller." He corrected.

"You know, that's sexist. Which is the very thing you punched Zart for. Shucking hypocrite." I accused as I crossed my arms.

"So, he didn't deserve it, then?" He asked as he shot up from his chair. I hadn't realized that Clint had finished bandaging both of his hands already.

"That's not the point. And even if getting punched was what he deserved, you still shouldn't have done it. There are rules, Gally, and now you'll have to face consequences." I implored him to see reason.

"Whatever Shebean, just go away." He shook his head, stalking off. I followed angrily. He reached the Homestead first, hurrying away off to his room.

Where was I supposed to go? Surely not Zart's room. I stood outside Gally's freshly slammed door and debated knocking. 

"Need a room, (Y/N)?" Came a tired voice from my right. I was relieved to see Newt in his doorway. I nodded gratefully as he gestured for me to enter his room.

I was far past tired, and I don't even remember past walking in the door.

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