18 || Revotes Cast

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We ate the food that Newt had delivered and then pushed the trays to the side. Just like that, we were back to the boredom of before. At least I wasn't cold anymore, as I had Gally's blue sweater which I'd tucked my knees into. Gally restarted his pacing, which was not helpful to my thoughts.

He's trapped in this stupid cell for the last remaining hours of his life, stripped of freedom and happiness and unable to at least enjoy the last of his lifetime.

No. I can't think like that. He's not going to die today. My plan will work. The Keepers will change their minds.

What if they don't? Will I really go with Gally into the Maze? Will I really die with him? Or will I back down, and leave him not only to die alone, but to die betrayed?

Shut up! I silenced the arguing voices in my conscience. We will cross those bridges if we come to them. Thinking about it now is not helpful.

"Gally, could you please stop pacing? You're starting to make me really anxious." I requested. He let out a single disbelieving chuckle.

"I'm making you anxious? Well you're not the one who's going to die in a matter of hours!" He snapped. I ignored him. I wasn't in a mood to argue. I put my head down on my knees and returned to sleep.


Gally woke me up again when dinner came. It was a plate of mashed potatoes, some random vegetables and ground beef.

"I'm not that hungry." I said as he slid a tray at me. It was the truth. I still had my hopes high for my plan, but there was something about this cell that was making a hollow empty feeling fill up my stomach.

"Come on, (Y/N). Just eat." He said. I just pushed the tray back towards the door in response. He huffed a very annoyed sigh, but then sat down and started eating. Just as I was about to fall back asleep, I felt him nudge my side.

"You've gotta eat something." He told me. I shook my head. He nudged me again. "Come on, you can't possibly not be hungry."

"Stop it, Gally." I said firmly, inching away from him. He leaned his head back against the wall and let his eyes close.

"I'm sorry." He started, pausing to grab his hair with both of his hands. "I don't mean to be a shucking jerk all the time."

"I know." I replied simply. He gave me a desperate look and I returned to him one of confidence. Nothing bad was going to happen to him. It couldn't.

Before any more words could be spoken, the door was being unlocked. We both got to our feet in anticipation and soon Newt was standing in the open doorway.

"Alby called a Gathering." Newt said. "He said that (Y/N) should be there. Not you though, Gally. Sorry mate." Gally nodded in understanding but seemed a little distressed.

I debated arguing it but thought that I had been doing enough of that lately. Instead, I wrapped him up in a long, comforting hug—half to reassure him, half to steal his warmth. I followed Newt out the door and Gally spoke up while Newt was locking the deadbolts.

"Remember Newt, a promise is a promise." He called out. He thought I didn't know what that meant, but I did. No offense to Newt, but if he tried to physically stop me I would not hesitate to give him a swift kick in the nuts.

I trailed along beside Newt for a minute until he paused, looking down to my feet.

"You're not even wearing shoes? You really are shucking crazy." He muttered. He lead me into the empty Gathering room and then went to go grab my shoes for me since I was technically supposed to be locked up.

Newt came back quickly with my shoes and a pair of his clean socks for me. I didn't even get to finish putting them on before Keepers started filling up the room. In less than a minute the room was perfectly in place for a Gathering, with me awkwardly sitting in the center again.

"The Doors are closin' in around half 'n hour." Alby announced, settling the few remaining whispers. "I wanted ta make sure we cast a revote, since (Y/N) 'ere decided that her shuck butt is just as responsible and that if Gally's banished she's goin' with."

Everyone waited for him to continue silently. There was no chaos this time. This was different. They were discussing life and death; deciding on who's to be killed.

"So the options're as follows: Gally gets a lesser punishment than banishment, or we banish (Y/N) with Gally." Alby explained. Silence filled the room while everyone thought.

"We ready ta vote?" I felt like someone was squeezing hard on my stomach. My heart was beating far too fast and I felt like I was floating. This was it. Life or death.

"All in favor of banishing them?" Alby asked. Three hands raised. A scrawny boy with blonde hair. I didn't know him. Some boy from Zart's posy whom I couldn't name. A boy with dark hair and brown skin. I didn't know him either.

I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. Everyone was staring at me. I wanted my chair to absorb me. As I nervously shifted, the scrawny boy lowered his hand slowly. We met eyes and then he spoke.

"Why are you willing to die for him?" He asked bluntly. The others seemed to be not too surprised by this question, as if they'd all been wanting to ask it.

"He doesn't deserve to die." I answered solidly. It was obvious to me; there was no other possible answer.

"Two votes for banishment, then?" Alby clarified. No one objected, which meant yes.

"How many votes for a lesser punishment?" I couldn't count how many hands raised. Relief flooded through me. Gally was safe.

So many hands were up. So many people were helping Gally. Minho. Newt. Alby. Winston. Frypan. Zart. Wait, Zart?

I furrowed my eyebrows at Zart, who had his hand high in the air and an enthusiastic smile on his face. Why is he voting against the campaign he set up? It made zero sense.

"Alright, then." Alby's voice sounded very relieved. "Newt, go get Gally so we can vote on his new consequences."

Newt sprung to his feet, jogging off to go and fetch Gally. I felt like a weight was lifted off my chest. Everyone was talking at once as we waited, and Minho came over to me to celebrate.

When I glanced around, however, I noticed someone staring directly at me. Zart's eyes trailed my body and I quickly blocked myself from his view using Minho as a shield.

Something was up with him, and I could feel the gnawing fear return to the pit of my stomach.

It wasn't over yet.

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