34 || Comforting Kisses

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TW: none?

After lunch, Minho and I went right back into the Maze. We had to walk a lot more than jog because my thoughts were giving me a headache. On the plus side, though, more and more of said thoughts were starting to slide into place.

We retraced some of our earlier steps, as well as taking some new detours. After many tiring hours, we came upon the Cliff. The minute I saw it, my body was twitching with energy. I was afraid my brain might've burst with how hard it was working. Minho saw that I was looking a little worse than usual, and asked what was going on.

"This place is a really intense part of my memories. It feels like there's something right there. It's like something's on the tip of my tongue. I just... I'm not sure what." I stopped for a minute to look down the edge of the Cliff. It felt like it went down for miles. One misstep and you're going splat.

"Maybe we should start heading back." I suggested. Honestly, I really was starting to feel unwell.

"No, no! Take your time. The Doors don't close for a long while still. If you feel like you're onto something, we can stay." Minho protested.

"Minho, I told Gally I'd be back by dinner. Besides, I'm not sure I even want to be here anymore. I need to process it all."

"Fine, fine. But we're coming back here first thing tomorrow. This could be a breakthrough!" He looked like an excited little kid and I was happy, although still nervous, to see him happy.

It took maybe twenty minutes until we were back in the Glade. Gally ran over immediately again, and I was so happy to see him. I was getting overwhelmed by my own brain and I wanted things to go back to the simplicity of when I had first arrived.

He could see how tired I was and offered for us to go straight to bed after dinner, to which I graciously accepted. I wasn't really hungry again, as my headache was making me nauseous. I pretty much just leaned into Gally's side the whole time and waited for him to finish, and he let me. We eventually cleared our dishes and headed upstairs.

"Oh, hey, what was that thing you meant to say earlier? About you having a memory?" He inquired. I proceeded to sleepily and briefly explain how my day went whilst we changed, and he listened with interest.

I flopped on the bed as soon as I was done retelling the day and he flopped down with me.

"Do you really, honestly, think you can find the way out?" He asked after a small moment of silence. The look on his face let me know that the only answer he could cope with was yes.

"Yeah, I really hope so." He seemed content with that answer, then maybe me promise for the billionth time to never let myself get into danger and run at the first sign of anything sketchy.

I was so tired at that point that all it took was the comforting feeling of him shifting closer to me to drift off.


Morning came painfully fast. The second I admitted consciousness, my thoughts were racing again. I tried my best to suppress it and focus on the present.

I woke up Gally by planting kisses all over his face. He came to grinning like an idiot and I almost laughed.

"Good Morning, (Y/N)." He greeted me as his eyes fluttered open. I smiled at the innocence of the moment. He groaned in disappointment when I got up from our bed and started getting dressed.

"Why can't mornings last forever?" He complained. "My least favourite thing is having to be in bed alone."

"Oh, please. Don't be so dramatic." I felt a little bad for leaving him in bed, but I was admittedly having fun with this. "You know, you can get up and walk yourself on over here any time you like."

"Well, then maybe I will." I felt his hands grab hold of my torso as I was looking through my drawer for a pair of pants to put on, as I had already taken my pyjama bottoms off. He held on to me for a second, enjoying the touch (and likely the view) before spinning me around rather aggressively and pressing our lips together.

I was in absolute bliss. My mind could finally block out the thoughts regarding the Maze and there was no one else I'd rather be sharing the moment with.

The kiss was cut short by our door being flung open by Minho. Gally immediately pulled me behind him on instinct. As soon as Minho caught a glimpse of my bare legs, he shut the door again immediately.

"Sorry! Sorry! I thought you'd both be dressed by now!" Minho profusely apologized through the closed door.

"Learn to shucking knock, Minho!" Gally shouted. I couldn't help but laugh at the situation. Minho was probably bright red right now. Nothing under bikini lines was exposed, so it could've been worse.

"It's fine, Minho. Just, please knock next time." I tried to ease his mortification.

"Will do. I'm going to go bleach my eyes now. Breakfast is in five minutes." He stated monotonously and then his footsteps retreated rapidly down the hallway.

"Damn boys, always ruining my moments." He turned to plant a single kiss on my cheek with a smirk and then proceeded to get dressed.

I finished getting dressed before Gally, and then ket him know that I was going to check on Newt. I was honestly worried about him. Who knew when the last time he slept or ate was? We agreed to meet back up at the breakfast table.

There was no answer when I knocked on Newt's door, but I did hear shuffling. Assuming that Newt was just asleep after a long night of leader duties, I peaked my head in to check on him.

Except, the person attempting to dive behind the bed and out of sight was not Newt.

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