8 || Breakfast Queeries

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I ran back to Newt's room and buried my face in the blankets whilst feeling my cheeks heat up. He probably thinks I am just a scared, weak little girl. I jumped again at the next burst of thunder. Okay, maybe I am scared. But I am not weak, or little! Being so wrapped up in my thoughts was making my eyelids heavy again.

Newt came in just as I was not quite asleep, but not awake enough to be responsive either. He let out a single, content laugh when he saw me hiding under the blanket, then came over and very brotherly pulled the blanket down to just under my chin and tucked me in before climbing into his sleeping bag.


It felt like I had fallen back asleep for only five minutes when Newt was ever-so-gently shaking me awake for the day. My limbs felt as heavy as sandbags. 

"Rise and shine, Shebean." He teased with sarcastic enthusiasm. I groaned lowly but forced my eyes to open. Awful sunlight was filling the room and I cursed the sun for being so bright.

"What time is it?" I grumbled, mentally pleading with God to turn back time so I could have more sleep. I wasn't surprised when he didn't answer me.

"Time to get up." Newt replied smartly, coming over and pulling the covers down to my feet. He had a joyous, playful grin on his face. What had him in such a good mood?

"Okay, okay, I'm going! You don't need to be such a shuck-face about it." I groaned, hesitant around the word 'shuck-face', as it was my first time using the Glader's odd made-up slang. Newt gave me a look.

"What?" I asked, knowing full well what but wanting to hear his opinion anyways. He shrugged, giving me a small smile.

"Nothing, nothing. It's just that usually it sounds weird when Greenies use the slang at first. I just didn't expect it to sound so natural from you." He explained, saying the exact opposite of what I thought he would say. I took the compliment regardless and thanked him.

I changed back into my clothes from the day before. They weren't too dirty, but I wished that I would get clean clothes of my own soon. Once we were both ready, Newt lead me down to breakfast. Alby approached us right away.

"Mornin', (Y/N). Welcome to your first meal 'ere. Hope ya slept okay." He said with an odd morning cheer. What was with people today? I politely replied, "thanks, I did."

"After ya both eat, Newt, can ya take (Y/N) to Gally, make sure she doesn't get lost or anythin' for her first day?" Alby instructed more than asked.

"Gally? I thought Greenies get the tour with me first thing in the morning?" Newt's voice sounded similar to as if he had been left out of an inside joke.

"Gally just came ta ask if he could give (Y/N) the tour. He was in a good mood, so I thought 'why not?'" Alby explained. Newt furrowed his eyebrows at this, clearly surprised.

"I'm sorry, are we talking about the sane Gally? You have to be kidding." Newt scoffed. He laughed once sarcastically as if what he was hearing was so false it must be a joke.

"Nope, not kiddin' in the least." Alby said with finality, then waved to me kindly and started off in the direction of some boys fooling around, reprimanding yells already on his tongue.

Newt's eyebrows were still raised in shock as he guided me through the line to get food and then to a table near the back. I could feel curious eyes trail my body the whole time and hid myself partially behind Newt. He seemed to pick up on my uncomfortableness and sympathized.

At the table sat Minho, the dark-haired pale boy who had left when the Gathering started and a chubby, curly-haired, younger looking boy. Newt sat so that he was between me and the majority of the boys and I sent him a grateful smile.

"(Y/N), this is Chuck, Thomas and—well, you already know Minho." Newt introduced me. I smiled at them as they turned to look at me. The younger boy shook my hand over the table and then started rambling about how cool it was to have a girl here. Thomas, on the other hand, just looked at me with dazzling eyes as if he saw me not as a person but as something new and exciting to explore.

"So, Gally's giving you the tour himself, I hear?" Minho mumbled with a cheeky tone, bumping his shoulder with mine. I nodded with a confused expression. What was so weird about that?

"He never gives Greenies tours. Or interacts with them at all, actually, unless to fight them." He explained to my confused look.

"To fight them?" I felt my back stiffen as I remembered how easily just one of his hands had completely restrained me.

"Yeah, in the fighting circle. Don't stress, though. Its volunteer only. They do it for fun mostly, and to blow off steam." He continued. When I asked about when and where this went down, he went on to explain a little about how the bonfire nights work: Gally's mystery drink, the fighting circle, a big fire, sometimes even dancing.

"We usually have them on night's when new Greenies arrive, but you came up super late last night. We almost thought the Box wasn't coming, but here you are. Anyway, Alby rescheduled it for tonight." He finished explaining. So that was why everyone was in such a good mood. I was going to ask him more questions, but Newt spoke up before I could.

"Come on, we're both done eating. We better get you to Gally before his good mood disappears."

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