26 || Can't Scream, Can Fight

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If I eventually write another fanfic after this one, which fandom or character would you guys want to read a fanfic about? Honestly there are so many characters I simp for, I could never decide. Thanks!

(Y/N) is having a very bad day today, y'all. Full disclaimer, this is a long and dark chapter. So if you're staying, get some snacks and an emotional support pillow before you carry on.

I'm also super nervous that some of you might not like the book anymore now that it has darker themes, so please lmk how you feel about it! I promise to have a better chapter up soon!

TW: attempted sexual assault and violence in this chapter. (It doesn't start until the warning).

When I came to, I quickly realized that I was on one of the cots in the MedHut. Clint was leaning over me, saying something that I couldn't quite comprehend. I tried to tell him that I didn't know what he was saying but my voice came out as nothing more than a croak.

My body was sore all the way through to my bones. Moving was impossible. There was nothing to do but lay there until the fogginess cleared from my mind.

"(Y/N)?" I could finally make out Clint's words. "Can you hear me?" Slowly, I nodded. The more I moved the less my body hurt. Once I could focus, he shined a bright pen light in my eyes and then concluded that I had no brain damage-- thank God. He then told me that I'd only been unconscious for three hours, which I knew was a good thing.

"Do you remember what happened?" Was Clint's next question. I tried once again to speak but it came out too raspy to decipher. I looked into Clint's eyes and I could see that he sensed my frustration.

He assumed my answer was a 'no' and recapped from when Ben and Minho came into the Glade and I went to talk to Ben. Since Ben and I were alone when he attacked me, Clint picked up the story from Frypan hearing us fighting and seeing Ben strangling me, and then Frypan hitting Ben over the head with, ironically, a frying pan. That must have been the 'pang' I heard.

"After that, a few more Gladers heard the commotion and ran over to help restrain Ben. He kept going on about Thomas and how he can't be trusted. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out he'd been stung. He's in the Slammer until Alby gets back. He tried to kill you though, so it's almost guaranteed that he'll be banished."

I was frozen with fear. That's what someone who'd been stung was like? Full of murderous rage and shouting about nonsense? No wonder everyone didn't want to talk about it.

To bring me out of my dark thoughts, Clint mentioned that Gally and Newt were outside and waiting for me, but before I could see them he needed to assess the damage to my body. I allowed him to run a few tests rather impatiently.

After a few minutes of him poking and prodding at me, then him trying to have me speak and me sounding like a dying cat, he concluded that my vocal chords were damaged. If I only spoke when it was necessary for a couple days, he explained, my voice would start to go back to normal. The bruises, on the other hand, would take a week or two to heal.

Finally, he let Newt and Gally come in to see me and they both pelted me with concerned questions, all of which I answered with a nod or a shake of my head.

Gally immediately noticed the bruises on my neck and arms and I could see that he was getting angry. I quickly brought him in for a hug so that he wouldn't keep staring at my neck.

After Newt gave me a short lecture on not being alone with people I don't trust, he explained in a whisper that what Minho and Ben had so urgently discovered was a dead Griever.

According to what someone overheard, there was a dead one just laying in Sector Three and it looked as if it had been crushed by the Walls during their rearranging. Apparently, nobody here had ever seen a dead one before, so it meant big news: those monsters could die.

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