15 || No More Misbehaving

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Very short chapter this time, sorry! Another will be posted soon, I promise.

"It doesn't matter why he was doing it. It's still against the rules to wander around at night." Minho protested. I nearly laughed.

"Wow, that means a lot coming from you, Minho. Isn't sneaking out at night like a hobby for you at this point?" I pointed out, crossing my arms in defiance. He looked taken aback by my confidence. Honestly, I was too. I had no idea where my sudden fierceness had come from.

"We're supposed to be even for that! And even if my favor didn't count, you have no proof. I have witnesses. In fact, I could start screaming for Alby right now." Minho threatened. His tone had changed to an angry one, most likely because my remark had injured his pride.

"Please, Minho. Don't make this a big deal when you know it's not. It'll just give Zart another reason to try to get Gally banished." I pleaded. Minho looked thoughtful and I could tell he knew I was right.

"Maybe he should be." Thomas piped up. Anger boiled inside me as we all turned to look at him. Gally's eyebrows furrowed in anger, but I could tell that really he felt betrayed. "I mean, technically he has broken the rules a ton of times. I get why you're defending him, but rules are rules, circumstances aside."

I spoke up. "Look, whatever is going to happen at the Gathering is going to happen. But don't snitch on him for doing something you guys do all the time just because you don't like him." Minho glanced confusedly at Newt at the 'something you guys do all the time' comment. I'd forgotten that nobody knew about Newt sneaking out. I wanted to bite my tongue off.

Newt managed to somehow keep his composure, and after a second they looked back to me. They probably figured I was talking about the other night with the bread. I let out a silent breath of relief. The three boys looked to each other, conferring non-verbally.

"Okay, fine, it's forgotten. But only if you promise not to break any more bloody rules!" Newt scolded Gally. I felt bad for putting him in a position of keeping secrets as I realized he was supposed to be the responsible second-in-command. "I know you think what you did was right, but Alby can't defend you against Zart if you step so much as a toe out of line from here on out."

"Wait, Alby is defending me? As in, not just because of the situation with (Y/N)?" Gally asked hopefully. He sounded very surprised. Newt nodded like it was obvious.

"Not all of us hate you, Gally. It's mostly just Zart and his posy. And maybe Thomas." Newt said, jokingly nudging Thomas with his leg, causing a blush to creep up Thomas' neck. Gally got lost in thought for a minute, then pulled himself back to reality and nodded. He seemed a little moved.

"Right, back to bed then." Newt said. Gally looked at me for a minute, saying goodbye without actually saying anything, then left with Minho.

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