7 || Wrong Destination

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"Huh?" My brain automatically responded to Minho's frantic whisper. He didn't stop to respond to me, continuing his sprint down the hall and to his room. In a panic, I went to follow him, but was stopped by a hand yanking me backwards by my shirt.

"Hey-" I cut myself off, realizing that it was only Newt. I let him pull me backwards as he moved us both out of sight, using the fridge to shield us from anyone in the kitchen's view. It was just in time, too, as someone's footsteps arrived in the kitchen just as we hid.

"I'm swear, I'm gonna catch you one of these times... Maybe I should get Alby to search people's rooms or somethin'..." The low voice grumbled, some parts inaudible. Newt brought his hand up to his mouth, clearly suppressing a laugh. Soon enough, the footsteps retreated back to where they had originated.

"Who was that?" I asked Newt quietly. He still looked like he could burst out into a cackling fit at any second.

"That was Frypan. I'll explain this whole thing to you later. I need to go yell at Minho, so just go back up to my room for now, okay?" He instructed, the smile on his face evident in his voice. I shook my head comically, but did as he said and started up the stairs.

It was only when I relaxed a little that I noticed the faint pitter-patter sound of raindrops hitting the roof. How had I not realized it was raining back in the Kitchens?

I started feeling out for walls once I reached the top of the stairs, and I could hear the faint footfalls of Newt going to find Minho's room. I slowly made my way down the hall and towards the bedroom.

Once I found Newt's room, I opened the door and cautiously made my way to the bed. I reached out my arms to make sure the bed was where I thought it was and was met with something warm and fleshy. Fleshy, as in, not a bed.

Before I registered anything, a large hand had harshly gripped my wrist, causing me to let out a small yelp—half in surprise and half in pain. With the quiet 'click' sound of a flashlight, the room was suddenly filled with blinding light. I shielded my eyes with my free hand.

"What do you think you're doing?" A low, intimidating voice rung out. My heart increased in pace nearly tenfold. I tried to worm my hand free but they were too strong. Their grip was getting so tight I thought it might bruise. Who's room am I in?!

"Let go, that hurts!" I hissed. Instantly, my hand was freed and I stumbled back a couple of steps. By then I had somewhat adjusted to the brightness and could now make out a familiar face: Gally.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing?! I thought you were one of the other shanks, I-I nearly punched you!" He sounded very angry with me, but somehow not about being in his room.

"I-I-I'm sorry! I-I thought this was Newt's room!" I stuttered apologetically, feeling bad for waking him and really wanting to return to bed. He took a moment to take in what I was wearing. I then remembered that I had on his pajamas and for an unknown reason a blush crept up my cheeks.

"What were you even doing up?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing as he propped himself up on his elbows. I almost replied with the truth, but then reminded myself that I'd just been stealing.

"Bathroom." I said simply and what I hoped was believably. He pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head.

"Never mind, that doesn't even matter. Just go to bed, and don't go wandering into anyone else's rooms tonight, yeah?" He sighed, looking back up at me. I nodded, grateful that I could leave. Just as I went for the door, thunder cracked outside at an ear-splitting volume.

"Aah!" I let out a short shriek, jumping half a foot in the air. I immediately cursed myself for squealing like a scared child in front of another human being, especially when that person was Gally.

I couldn't have told you ten minutes ago, but now that I'd heard the sound of thunder I knew that I had a fear of thunderstorms. I also knew that I had always hated them and that I'd heard many, but I couldn't form a clear image or memory of anything in my head. It was more like reading a list of facts about my past.

"(Y/N)?" Gally asked questioningly as if checking that I had really made the noise. Unintentionally, his words pulled me from somewhere deep in my own thoughts, "Are you alr-"

"Goodnight, Gally." I snapped, interrupting him mid-sentence. I hated the gentle tone he was using on me, mostly because I knew he wouldn't have used it if I was just another boy. Heck, maybe even if I didn't have a miniature, childlike stature. It made me feel small and helpless and I hated it. I walked out of his room briskly, pulling the door closed behind me without a twinge of regret.

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