2 || Chaos Ensues

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"What do we do now?" A rather sweaty Asian boy piped up. He looked like he was in a bad mood. Then again, his lips held a natural smirk, so maybe not.

"I think we should just treat her like a regular Greenie." The leader, Alby, commented. The Asian boy shrugged passively, and another boy who had dark hair and pale skin took the chance to chime in.

"Wait, Alby, don't you think that she is cause enough for a Gathering?" He asked, shifting form foot to foot. Alby looked contemplative, but before he could reply he was cut off by a particularly tall and heavyset teen bursting through the door.

"Yeah, Alby, I agree. I mean, you can't just pick your four favorite Gladers and go off and make the decisions all by yourselves." The boy cut in, placing himself where he could see everyone in the room. The others tensed, seeming frustrated and agitated with him.

"We weren't makin' any decisions, shuck-face. We were just bouncin' thoughts. I brought these shanks in 'ere to help me explain things to the Shebean." Alby defended himself, his expression sour.

"In that case, how much have they explained so far, ..." He trailed off, realizing he didn't know my name. He raised his rather unusually shaped eyebrows at me, signaling for me to finish. I paused for a moment, realizing that I was equally as clueless.

"Umm... oh! It's (Y/N). And they haven't really explained much yet." I answered, proud of my ability to finally remember something. I stuck my hand out to the boy for him to shake. He seemed a little taken aback, but when I stubbornly kept my hand out and refused to let him leave me hanging, he eventually shook hands with me curtly.

"I'm Gally." He stated rather awkwardly. He stiffened up a bit and his ears turned ever so slightly pink, nearly making me giggle.

I was feeling a lot calmer now. I still was very worried about what was going to happen and where I was, but I knew that at least now there were rational people here to help me.

Every single boy in this place had regarded me in a non-aggressive manner, which was very unexpected but nice. I knew that things were going to be crazy for a while but I was glad that it was at least going to be with decent people.

"Yeah, so—" Gally coughed a little, clearing his throat, "There you have it, you haven't even started explaining anything. I'm calling you a shuck-liar. You definitely came in here to talk about what to do with her. Regardless, I called a Gathering. So, whatever it was, it's done now."

"Talkin' about important stuff outside a Gatherin' ain't against any rules, Gally." Alby said defensively. Gally just shrugged in response, though he clearly had not let it go. More boys filed quietly into the room.

"It's so tense in here." One boy whispered. Everyone who had been in the room previously walked over to a table and grabbed a clipboard and a pen. A couple of boys arranged chairs in a semicircle and boys slowly took their seats.

"Hey, you can sit here." One boy explained with a smile, placing a chair in the center so that all the others could see me. I reluctantly sat down, feeling uncomfortable with all the new eyes on me.

"Okay, this Gathering is officially started. So, the matter at hand: (Y/N)." Alby pointed at me, "What does this mean for us? Winston, go." He pointed to an acne-ridden boy sitting at the end of the row.

"Well, it could mean anything. Realistically, she's probably here either for her ability to have kids or to see how we handle having a girl here." He thought aloud, tapping his heel rhythmically on the ground. Alby gestured to the boy beside Winston.

"I agree with Winston." The next boy commented. The following two boys said roughly the same thing. One of them piped in that it could mean the end of the Box supply shipments, whatever that meant. Next in line was the Asian boy.

"She could be the last Greenie. With a girl here, we could continue our population. Not that you'd have to have kids, though." He said the last part directly to me, causing many of the boys eyes that weren't on me to stare at me interestedly. I squirmed uncomfortably under their gaze.

"Good that. And you?" Alby continued down the line of boys. Next in line was the boy who'd shaken my hand, Gally. He looked very contemplative and his eyebrows were furrowed in concern.

"I'm not worried as much about why she's here. If it really is the end of the shipments, we've got a month to figure all that out. I'm more worried about how things are going to be different with her here now." He explained, leaning forward in his chair and resting his elbows on his knees.

"What d'ya mean?" Alby asked, clearly not picking up on what Gally was getting at. 

"None of us wants to go there, and I get that, but think this through, Alby. She's the first girl any shank here has seen in years. You really don't want to acknowledge the threat that being locked inside the Walls with forty some-odd hormonal teenage shanks poses to her?" His voice was annoyed and exasperated. 

The statement earned me quite a few pitiful glances and yet again I shifted in my seat. I felt very uncomfortable, so I crossed my legs. The action didn't go unnoticed by a single person in the room.

"Well, obviously, anyone who tries anything is going to get banished." A boy near the end of the row chimed in. A rather hairy boy on the other end of the semicircle scoffed.

"Banished?! I think that's a little harsh for simply flirting with her, don't ya think?" He asked rhetorically, throwing his hands up in the air and then crossing them. I prayed that I would just melt into the floor.

"What about her job? There's no way she could be a Builder or a Bagger," a shaggier looking boy pointed out, looking my weak stature up and down judgmentally, "so does she still have to try out every job?"

"Ten bucks she gets with Newt just because of his accent." The Asian boy teased unhelpfully, punching the boy with the limp in the shoulder. Said boy did not look even slightly amused, glaring back.

Chaos erupted in the group. Yelling and arguing could be heard as well as teasing laughter. I felt very out of place and all I wanted to do was leave. I debated bolting, but decided against it. If it was about me, shouldn't I get a say, too?

I think I'm starting to change my mind about this place having the potential to be good.

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