6 || Quest for Bread

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"What?" I asked skeptically, positive that I was dreaming. He gestured for me to get out of bed and follow him. I did not.

"What do you mean, steal?" I questioned him quietly. Newt stirred in his sleep, rolling over onto his stomach. I felt a little less guilty when he half-consciously tucked the pillow under his head. Minho looked annoyed and gestured with more frustration for me to follow him.

"No! Are you crazy?" I whisper-yelled at him. He glared at me in exasperation. Did he really expect me to steal with him? I had made a relatively good impression on these people and I wasn't about to go messing it up so easily.

"Talk. In. The. Hall." He mouthed, pointing to Newt's sleeping form exaggeratedly. I shook my head and crossed my arms defiantly. He gave me a look that said 'you want to do this the hard way?' to which I didn't budge. In response, he grabbed my wrist and tugged me out of Newt's bed.

All around, it was a bad decision on his part. I barely managed to get my feet under me quick enough and almost stepped on Newt, who was sleeping about a foot and a half from the bed. I tried unsuccessfully to free my wrist.

Minho easily stepped over Newt, even in the dim lighting. I tried following where he put his feet, but Gally's stupid oversized pajamas made me fall directly on top of Newt. He jolted awake, instantly in a panic and scrambling to get up.

"I'm so sorry." I practically squeaked at him as he got to his feet, me stumbling upright a few seconds later. I noticed Minho looking at me with daggers of blame out of the corner of my eye. Newt's hair was standing up in every direction and he seemed very disgruntled. Yep, he was definitely going to hate me now.

"What the bloody hell-" Minho and I both cut him off by shushing him. I wasn't sure why I had shushed him. I had done nothing wrong if we were to be caught. Newt looked at Minho with annoyance and accusation.

"You! Your shuck-butt isn't supposed to be in here!" He whisper-yelled to Minho. Minho looked like a child getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"I was just in here trying to get (Y/N) to steal bread with me!" He defended himself, not really helping his case at all. Newt's face looked disappointed and angry at the same time.

"Shuck this, I'm going to go get Alb-" Newt was cut off mid-sentence by Minho, who jumped between him and the door.

"No, you can't! If you tell anyone about this, then... then I'll tell Frypan that you were the one who accidentally spilled last month's entire salt supply!" Minho blackmailed frantically. Newt looked taken aback, his cheeks turning slightly red.

"You promised!" Newt gasped, but Minho's face only held an evil grin. "Fine, I won't get Alby. But you better go back to bed, now." Newt demanded.

"No. (Y/N) and I are going to go and steal some bread, as I planned, and you are going to go back to bed, Newt." Minho directed, well aware that he was pushing his luck. I wanted to protest that I never wanted to participate at all, but I held my tongue. Newt looked infuriated, but then seemed calculating for a minute.

"Fine, but I'm coming with so you shanks don't cause too much trouble." He declared, heading out the door. I still wasn't sure if I wanted to steal, but if I was with both Newt and Minho I figured I would be fine.

"Be quiet here." Newt instructed as we passed the next door. Naturally, at the words 'be quiet', I stepped on a creaky floorboard. We all froze, but after a minute of silence, cautiously continued. After that, Newt showed me exactly where to step to not make noise all the way down to the Kitchens.

"Ha, yes! We made it!" Minho exclaimed quietly as he pulled a basket down from atop the fridge, passing a fluffy piece of white bread each to Newt and I. There was none left in the basket after that, but Minho didn't seem worried.

"I noticed Fry made some more today and I saw him stash it in the bottom of the hall closet. I'll go get it, stay here." Minho explained, tiptoeing off down the hall. Newt and I were then left alone and we both started eating. After a minute, I felt myself itching to ask him something.

"Hey, Newt?" I asked hesitantly. He raised his eyebrows, gesturing for me to continue, as he was halfway through taking a bite of his bread.

"How did you know where all the creaky floorboards were? No offense, but you don't strike me as the sneaking out type." I said, attempting to make my tone light and gentle. He seemed to wince at the question, his posture tensing. He chewed and swallowed before answering.

"It may not seem like it, but I am the sneaking out type, actually." He answered. Something in his words sounded oddly avoidant. Knowing full well that I was on thin ice with him, I pressed on further.

"To do what? Steal bread?" I quipped. He paused, his gaze seeming a million miles away for a second before he drew himself back to reality.

"Honestly?" He paused again, as if debating on lying. "I go and sit by the Doors. I think about the Maze—about running in it, mostly. I was a Runner before I broke my leg, you know."

I knew his words were genuine. It seemed like it was difficult for him to admit, and I was glad that he had told me. I decided my luck had been pushed far enough and that I'd drop it for now.

Either way, the conversation was forced to a close as Minho came bounding into the kitchen, whispering frantically at us, "go, go, go!"

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