30 || Final Gathering

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Sorry for not updating in so long but my dog is doing well! Thank you for being so understanding.

TW: none?

"What does all that even mean?" Minho seemed like he was on the verge of a crisis, and rightly so. I couldn't even imagine working on something for years just to be told that it was a waste of time and that you never could have solved it.

Newt, Minho, Gally and I were all standing right outside the MedHut in case Alby somehow came out of his sedation and was ready for more questions.

"I don't know, Minho." Newt was pinching the bridge of his nose.

"What the shuck did he mean by (Y/N) having to go into the Maze and find the way out? There's no way she's going in there on a good day, let alone after Alby and Ben both got stung in the middle of the day. Not a chance." Gally demanded whilst intertwining our fingers.

What if Alby was right? What if what all these boys had been working at for as long as they could remember was right there and only I could find it? After seeing what happened to Ben and Alby, I wasn't exactly chomping at the bit to get back into the Maze, but I'd also never forgive myself if everyone was stuck in here longer than they had to be because I was too afraid to go find the way out.

I decided to let everyone else choose for me. It was about their lives too, after all. If they all wanted me to go I would, but I wouldn't push for it. I'd been in enough danger to last me a lifetime and I'd only been here for a couple seconds compared to some of the others.

After a few more minutes of Minho questioning everything, a few Keepers that I vaguely recognized jogged over and started complaining to Newt about how their guys had been sitting in the Barn guarding Zart and his buddies for hours and nobody was even trying to arrange a Gathering.

Eventually, Newt gave in with a sigh and told them to wrangle up all the Keepers into the Council Hall. He informed me that even though the Gathering would be about more than just the issues involving the incident, I was welcome to attend the whole thing because a lot of it directly affected me.

It was hardly five minutes until the Gathering was in session. All the Keepers were anxiously waiting to address the issues revolving Alby and Ben. Newt deemed it best not to bring any of the accused in, seeing as there were too many of them and they were all unpredictable.

Instead of the usual crescent shape, the chairs were set up in a full circle. I was sandwiched between Gally and Minho. Minho seemed to have mixed feelings about me after what Alby had said, and I couldn't help but be frustrated.

Was he really going to forget our friendship just because of something that post-changing Alby said? It felt unfair, mostly because I couldn't even remember the things he was mad at me for.

"Alright, Keepers. I guess this Gathering is officially started." Newt exclaimed, quieting the few whispers going around. "First, let's address what to do about Ben."

The Keepers all looked solemn. He was probably a good friend to a lot of them. Frypan raised his hand sadly and Newt let him speak.

"Its one of our rules. Never hurt another Glader. I liked the kid, but he's Changed now. I saw how wild he looked when he attacked (Y/N). I mean, look at the poor girl's neck. I hate to say this, but... I vote banishment." Frypan expressed.

After many grim glances to my bruised neck, I could tell what they were all going to choose before Newt even cast the vote.

"Ben will be Banished at tonight's Doors closing." Newt announced with a sad, breaking voice. Nobody was happy about it.

"I have a question." Stated Winston, changing the topic. "Shouldn't we be more concerned about the fact that two of us just got stung in the middle of the day?"

"Or the fact that there's a dead shucking Griever in the Maze!" Minho interrupted, throwing his arms up.

"Has that ever happened before?" Wondered a Keeper I didn't recognize.

"No, never!" Minho scoffed. "Not until she showed up here. Everything's different now. Alby said it himself, after the Changing."

Everyone stared at me in silence. I felt my cheeks flush, more so because of how Minho had addressed me than all of the accusatory eyes on me.

"Oh, bugger off Minho! A Gathering is no place to unload your frustration. And Alby also said that we all unwillingly played a part in making this place, not just (Y/N)!" Newt defended me.

After countless confused questions, Newt and Minho explained from each of their points of view everything that Alby had said just a little while ago. A fair bit of arguing occurred between the two but eventually everything was cleared up.

"So Alby got his memories back, and then told you that (Y/N) can find the way out if she goes into the Maze?" A rather pale boy clarified. Newt nodded. "Then what are we waiting for? Send her out there so we can finally put an end to all of this!"

Gally was immediately defensive. "Two people just got stung in broad daylight! In fact, it's so unsafe that there aren't even any Runners out today, slinthead!" He turned away from the boy and directed the next part to the whole group.

"You're all acting like she's an outsider. Would you all send me out there unprepared? Or Fry, or Winston, or Chuck?" Everyone shut up at the idea of Chuck in the Maze.

"We're not saying she go unprepared or alone. I could set her up with gear, teach her about the Maps. She could go with me, and we'd only be out there a few hours at a time so we don't risk anything. She's not a Runner, so I won't let her get into any bad situations, Gally. I promise." Minho proposed.

"No! She shouldn't have to go out there!" Gally argued. Newt was looking to me for answers. I mouthed to him the best I could "vote".

Newt quickly understood and called for a vote. Everyone but Gally, Newt and Frypan voted in favor. Frypan abstained as to not upset his friend.

"That settles it, then. Minho, prep her today. Tomorrow, you both start going out together." Declared Newt. Gally's jaw was clenched tight but he didn't argue it further. If there was anything he respected in this place, it was the final decision of the Keepers.

Next, the topic of the Gathering moved on to what had happened to me in the back room. A lot of boys looked absolutely disgusted and truthfully I was grateful for that.

I was again a little shocked when no one suggested any punishment for what Gally did to Zart. I guess everyone understood that it was well deserved.

When Newt revealed which boys it was, no one was shocked to hear the names of Zart and his posy. Thomas' name, though, seemed to stir the pot. No one had expected that from him. It was easy to tell by their expressions who knew about him and Newt and who didn't.

There was quite a lot of debate about who to banish. A lot of people thought that since it was so out of character for Thomas that he should be let off with only time in the Slammer.

Another big issue was how much of a loss it would be for everyone to banish seven people at once. I could sense that some boys were starting to dislike me. I caused too much harm to the Glade whether I tried to or not.

After a while, some genius pointed out that there was no longer a rush to reach a decision because the Slammer would soon be free. Newt seemed absolutely relieved to not have to lead the decision on whether or not to banish someone he cared so much about.

Everyone voted to wait. Many of the Keepers wanted to talk to the boys before basically sentencing them to death. It was fair reasoning, but I still wished that they would just hurry up. I felt bad about it, sure, but boy was I ready to have Zart be gone and out of my life in whatever way that had to be.

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