17 || Moment of Truth

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"You know that nobody's going to let you go through with this, right?" Gally raged after what seemed to be an hour or so. Actually, I'm counting on it.

"They won't have a choice." I stated confidently. He just scoffed at me. I continued sitting in my curled up position until my muscles started to shake on their own.

It was mainly just shivering, along with occasionally large shivers that felt like full-on spasms. This only seemed to rile Gally up even more.

I had no clue how he still had the energy to be mad after so long in the cold. Maybe it was the adrenaline of knowing his death was coming so soon. Should I also feel that way?

"You're such a slinthead! I can't believe you wanted this!" He blurted suddenly. I was shocked by how loud he was. It was almost a yell.

"Me neither." I replied sarcastically, pairing my tone with an eye roll. Tiredly, I wrapped my arms around my knees and cursed myself for letting out so much heat.

The storm was over for the most part, but the gray clouds covering the sky made the temperature increasingly colder. I wished I had grabbed a jacket before demanding to be sentenced to death.

"When Newt brings us lunch, ask him to get you a shucking jacket, yeah?" Gally sighed, his pacing finally coming to an end as he stood in front of me. I looked up at him, holding his gaze for a beat too long before nodding.

I put my cheek back on my knee and sighed, wishing that the hours would pass quicker. We could play a game, maybe? No, Gally's too mad for that. He's in no talking mood either. Maybe I could just sleep the hours away.

I laid down on the hard cement, rolling onto my side to face the wall. I let go of my warmth and comfort and embraced the chill-inducing temperature. I wouldn't mind being cold if I wasn't awake to feel it.

"What are you doing?" Gally asked skeptically. I moved one of my knees halfway towards my chest to balance myself out.

"Sleeping." I replied lazily, my eyes already drooping closed from the lack of movement. After a second, I heard shifting beside me and when I looked over I saw Gally laying next to me.

"What are you doing?" I repeated his question. He looked contemplative and held my gaze as he answered.

"My legs were getting tired." He responded simply, shrugging. As I glanced at his feet when he crossed them, I realized how much longer he was than me. It annoyed me, so I nudged him in the ribs with my elbow.

"Oh my gosh!" I gasped as I touched him. He was startled by my exclamation, and quickly propped himself up on his elbow, scanning the room for danger.

"You're so warm!" I finished. Before I could try to stop myself, I had rolled over completely and cuddled into his side.

"W-Why are you d-doing that?" His voice was small. I was too tired to react, so I didn't. His tense muscles eventually relaxed, his arm slowly finding its way to my back and then my waist.

"I'm still mad at you." He stated. I hummed in response to show that I understood. He huffed at me, but there was no feeling behind it. He was content.

"You know that they're going to stop you, right? You get that they're not going to let you kill yourself?" I was baffled by how wide-awake he sounded.

"We'll see." I mumbled in response.

As I drifted off to sleep, an odd realization hit me. I felt lucky to be cuddled up with Gally. Even though he may not be the most helpful in these situations, I would still choose him above any of the others, time and time again.

And somehow I knew that Gally acted the way he did with me not just because I was a girl. I knew that his drive to keep me safe was different from his usual protective personality. I knew that he would choose me back.


I woke up to low voices chatting. I opened my eyes slowly and realized that there was a ginormous blue hoodie draped over me. I looked up and saw that Gally and Newt were talking through the bars on the doorway.

"Alby isn't really going to let her die, is he?" Gally's tone was very stressed. It took actual willpower not to go to him.

"He thinks the Keepers will change their vote." Newt explained. "He thinks that they'll let you go with a lesser punishment either because they'll see reason or because they don't want to see the only girl they've seen in years leave."

"What if they don't?" Gally asked, his hands finding his pockets as he leaned into the doorframe. "She won't back down, she's too shucking stubborn."

Newt leaned in close to the door before replying. "I promise I'll keep her safe. I'll hold her back all by my bloody self if I have to." Newt promised. That won't happen. Gally just stiffly nodded.

"But let's aim for the first option, yeah? We really don't want to lose you. Actually, quite a lot of us are trying everything we can to stop this, so keep up hope."

Gally smiled at Newt, who returned it. I was glad to hear that I wasn't the only one on his side. Though, I could feel that my stomach was about to rumble, so I groggily sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Gal?" I yawned, drawing the duo's attention to me. Newt made a joke about me having bedhead then jogged off, and Gally was at my side again.

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