27 || Aftermath Excursion

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Hello readers! Sorry for taking so long to update! I posted about it on my profile but I recently got into a car accident and injured my wrist. I was not allowed to type for a while and did not mean to leave you guys with such a big cliffhanger. Sorry!

I am back now and will now try to update as fast as possible to make up for it. I have already decided how the story will end so sorry if some of you hate it lol.

I appreciate your patience with following this story.

TW: violence.

"Get off of her!" Newt's voice shouted, sounding both horrified and sad at the same time. The boys obeyed him, slowly piling off of me one by one. I scrambled to my feet in half a second and bolted for the door. I swerved around Newt, only to bump right into Gally. His stare was fixed on the group of boys, who all looked like dogs with their tails between their legs.

"I'm going to kill them all." Gally snarled, moving me to the side and trying to shove past Newt. I didn't want him to leave me alone, even if I was safe, but I couldn't speak. Newt shoved him away from the doorway and yelled at him to calm down.

Gally looked like a mad bull. His face was literally reddening with anger as he finally made it past Newt and went straight for Zart. Newt had to scream for help to pry Gally off of him.

In the minute that Gally had access to Zart before Clint and Frypan appeared to pull him off, he'd beaten him enough that he'd become unrecognizable. He was bleeding so badly that I was sure he was dead.

Newt ordered Gally and I to leave and told us to both take a walk. We were assured that the boys would be taken care of. Gally started pulling me gently by the upper arm towards our room and I didn't even make it all the way up the stairs before I was sobbing again.

Neither of us spoke as he sat down on our bed and I climbed on top of him. He sat facing the door and I sat on his lap, facing him. He hugged me tightly with a scowl on his face as I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried.

I had no clue how long we sat like that until I eventually became too tired and dehydrated to continue crying and Gally laid us both down without moving his arms from around me.

Newt came in shortly after that and I had to sit up and be coherent while he questioned me. He asked me about who was there and how it happened and if I was hurt. I nodded, shook my head and shrugged accordingly.

Gally held my hand the whole time and I swear I saw his eyes water. Newt mentioned nothing about Gally bloodying up Zart, which surprised me.

After Newt seemed satisfied with the amount of information I'd given him, he informed us that the boys were all staying in the back room of the barn, under heavy watch by Newt's most trusted Gladers. Putting them in the Slammer with Ben was likely to end with someone dead and therefore not an option.

Newt seemed off focus during our discussion, looking out the window every few seconds. I assumed it was because of his distress about Thomas, so I asked him in a painfully scratchy whisper how he was doing with everything.

His unpreparedness for the question made me think he was worried about something else entirely. A simple shrug was his response. I continued on to ask him what he was so nervous about, pausing mid-sentence to let the burning in my throat stop.

"Alby and Minho aren't back yet." He admitted quickly.

"What?" Gally practically gasped. Both of us went rigid. Gally now also looked out the window, trying to judge the time. "How soon until the Doors' close?"

"Roughly ten minutes." Newt gulped. Gally sprung up from the bed and I followed. "We can't go out and look for them. It's against the rules; risks too many lives. You hear that, Gally? No heroism." Newt warned. Gally nodded solemnly.

"Let's go wait at the Doors. If they do make it, we'll be there waiting." Gally wrapped his arm around my shoulders and squeezed reassuringly, then let go.

We followed Newt out to the South Door, where Minho and Alby were meant to come back from. There were already about fifteen people waiting in a cluster at the entrance and more were on their way over.

I waited in silence, still processing everything that had happened. God, I'd had enough for the day. I don't know if I can take it if they don't get back here in time. Suddenly, a series of gasps made their way through the crowd like a ripple.

"There they are!" Someone shouted. Thank God. I had to worm my way past a few particularly tall people before I saw them. Minho was hunched over, dragging Alby on his back. Something was clearly wrong.

Then the chest-vibrating rumble of the Doors closing began. They were still a good twenty meters away when the Doors started moving. I realized right away that they would never make it. The boys started cheering and hollering in encouragement, but none of them would step foot beyond the entrance line.

Shuck the rules. Where had following them gotten anyone in here? Our friends were right in front of us and no one was helping them. I felt like I wasn't in control of my body as I started pushing past people. I got to the front of the crowd by the time the Doors were halfway shut.

Everyone was too focused on the two boys to realize what I was doing until I was already past the opening and out of reach. There was a lot of screaming. I tuned it out with ease.

Minho saw me coming and clenched his teeth with effort, throwing Alby over his shoulder and into the dirt. Minho frantically grabbed his arms and started dragging him and I took hold of his ankles. With struggle, we lifted him and started speed-walking through the shutting stone walls.

It didn't look like we were going to make it. The Doors were three quarters of the way closed. I kept imagining my bones crunching under the pressure of the Doors and then hearing myself pop like a pimple. My head was spinning and my vision kept flashing white.

Minho's back entered the Glade just as I felt the stone touch both of my shoulders. I dropped Alby-- Minho seemed to be able to drag him out on his own now-- and turned sideways, starting to shuffle furiously as I felt the rough stone tug at my clothes.

A set of hands reached out and yanked on my outstretched arm, pulling me out of the way of being crushed but scraping my body and clothes up in the process. I let out a shaky breath of relief and shock. I looked up to see that it was Gally, and he was crying.

TROUBLE || Gally x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant