16 || Go Down Together

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Morning came too quickly. I woke up feeling just as exhausted as the night before. I tried many times to return to sleep, but Thomas eventually resorted to laying completely on top of me which got me up pretty quickly.

Breakfast practically sped by and before I knew it we were all being shooed off to where we were supposed to go for the day because the Gathering was starting up.

I was assigned to Frypan for the day, so while the Gathering took place Frypan left me to help bail water out of the indoor dining areas which had flooded during the storm. The Gathering lasted about twenty minutes, which felt agonizingly long.

The relief felt similar to putting Afterbite on an itchy bug bite when they all piled out of the room. I looked up expectantly only to see solemn expressions. I rushed over to Minho, slipping out of the oversized gumboots when the pool of water ended. I felt like my knees were about to give out.

"I swear, I have no clue how, but-" I cut him off before he could get out a whole sentence, "What was the final decision?"

He ignored me. "I don't know who told him, but somehow Zart found out about Gally sneaking out to see you last night. Zart was calling it some sort of perverted thing, saying Gally was crazy, that he could've hurt people while they slept."

"But what was the verdict?!" I practically shouted at him. I felt bad for shouting, but I also didn't really care all that much. He looked down and I felt my stomach drop.

"Zart convinced nine of the Keepers that Gally was dangerous after last night. They voted for banishment tonight, at the Doors close. He's in the Slammer until then."

My chest felt like someone had hit it with a jackhammer. I wasn't stupid. I knew no one came back from a night in the Maze. It wasn't a banishment; it was a death sentence.

"(Y/N)?" Minho's voice asked. It sounded far off, like it was deep underwater. How had Gally been right next to me just seven hours ago, and now was preparing for death? Less than a week ago, I hadn't even known him. Him or anyone else in this God forsaken place. How could I care this much about him?

"I'm going for a walk." I managed to utter. Minho seemed hesitant but didn't stop me. I felt like I was floating above my body.

I had completely forgotten that I wasn't wearing shoes and walked right outside into the mud. It squished between my toes but I didn't turn back.

Where was I going? I definitely didn't know. I didn't think I was going anywhere, I was just going. I got a good look at the true wreck that had become of the Glade. Broken trees and caved-in structures littered the field. Nothing was left untouched.

A while later, when I came up for air amidst my thoughts, I found myself laying across the broken branches of a fallen tree. It was very uncomfortable. The next thing I noticed: I was freezing cold. My toes and fingers were numb. They had been soaking wet when I came outside and they looked like they were nearing frostbite.

Before I could go inside, I was sucked back in by a tidal wave of thoughts-- and that was when my plan struck me. It was like someone flipped a switch in me, and suddenly I was bounding off towards the Homestead.

My plan was stupid. So stupid. It would most likely backfire, and possibly kill me. However, there was a chance it could work, which was enough to convince my brain think it was the best choice I had.

"Alby!" I slowed my pace to a confident stride upon finding the leader of the Glade. He was heading upstairs, most likely to bed.

"What?" He sighed, turning back to face me. He looked as tired I felt.

"I'm just as responsible as Gally is." I stated firmly, catching him off guard. He seemed very confused.

"I was the reason Gally punched Zart. I could've gone straight to you and stopped Zart from the start but I didn't out of pride. I was also the reason he left his room. He was just checking on me because of the storm, and I was the one who asked him to stay for so long. So, if you're banishing him it's only right to banish me too."

"(Y/N), don't. I tried real hard to save Gally's butt in the Gatherin'. It just wasn't in his favor. Don't go wasting your life for someone else." He advised, pinching his nose. He was going to need convincing.

"Just because I didn't physically do it doesn't mean that I'm not equally as guilty. Regardless, I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't say the same if the genders were reversed. But, if I'm not threatening enough for you, I'd gladly go and maim some people." I pretended to start walking away.

"Wait." Alby sighed. "You do understand that goin' with Gally means that you'll die, yeah?" I nodded. Shaking his head solemnly, he grabbed my upper arm rather softly and lead me towards a cement block.

"The Slammer, as requested, you crazy shank." He muttered as he unbolted the door. I walked in willingly to find an angry and confused Gally getting to his feet.

"Alby, what the shuck? How could you let her be-" I cut him off while Alby closed and relocked the door.

"I asked for this." I stated simply. He seemed to be physically taken aback by this. His mouth became a hard line and his eyebrows arched furiously.

"You what? Why would you want to be put in the Slammer?" He inquired, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It's only fair that I face the same thing you do. I instigated and provoked every situation that got you sentenced with Banishment. It's equally my fault." I stated firmly, matching my arms to his. His jaw nearly dropped.

"Are you a shuck-idiot?! You're willingly choosing death over no consequences whatsoever?" He was infuriated.

"It's what's fair!" I retorted. After he started pacing, I realized how much my feet were hurting. I sat down against the wall, pulling off my mud-caked socks and holding my feet with my hands to try to warm them up.

Gally paused for a minute, staring down at me, then continued pacing. His long legs made only three strides in each direction, but he would not stop.

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