28 || Post-Traumatic Comfort

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TW: trauma

It was apparently the first time Gally had ever cried in front of other people. I didn't know that at the time, but Newt told me later. 

Gally bear hugging me made my bruised muscles ache and my scratches sting even more than they already did, but it was worth it.

"What were you thinking, (Y/N)? You could've died!" Gally shouted, pulling away and shaking me by my shoulders.

"Sorry." I mustered, my voice bad. I was truly upset by seeing how much my actions had effected him. "Didn't mean to."

"You really have no regard for your safety! You must have a death wish!" Gally cried out. Gladers were staring now. "Do you even understand what it's like to almost lose you all the time?"

"Sorry, Gal." I pulled him in for another hug and despite his rage he hugged me back. Minho and Newt approached us then, and Gally wiped his tears before they reached us. It was clear that our argument was not over yet but it would have to wait.

"Alby's been stung." Minho stated bluntly. He was more drenched with sweat than I'd ever seen him. If I was told he'd just sprinted through a running shower with his clothes on I would probably believe it.

"Shuck." Gally hissed. Despite his attempts to hide it, it was still very apparent that he'd been crying.

"'Shuck' is about bloody right." Newt let out a big breath. "We can't keep those boys in the barn much longer. That means that I'm in charge of hosting a Gathering about what to do with 'em."

I felt my shoulders droop. I had been through enough for one day. Gally noticed this and took my hand.

"It can wait until tomorrow though, right?" Gally told more than asked. Minho was quick to agree. I could only imagine how exhausted he was. How long had he been carrying Alby for, anyways?

"Yeah, I guess it can. Maybe I'll separate them so there's no trouble. How inconvenient is it that the Slammer's occupied? I think I've seen more chaos in the short time that you've been here than the rest my three years combined, (Y/N)." Newt joked to me. He wasn't wrong. A few by-standing Gladers stared at me when he said this and I just looked at the ground.

"Everything's good here, people. Crisis averted." Minho announced loudly and the few people still hanging around us took the hint and dispersed. Newt was soon called over by Jeff and that left only Gally, Minho and I. Collectively exhausted, we made our way back to the Homestead.

"I appreciate the help, Shebean, but you seriously shouldn't have done that. You have no idea what it's like out there. It's horrifying." Minho lectured me. I just rolled my eyes and speed-walked away from him. It can't be more horrifying than what happens in here.

"What's up with her?" Minho snapped at Gally somewhere behind me. I reached the front door just as Gally started retelling today's events to Minho, so thankfully I didn't have to hear a recap of my trauma.

As soon as I was inside and alone, I sprinted up the stairs into Gally and I's room. I laid on the bed, facing the door. If there was anything that this day had proved to me, it was that nowhere is safe. Not even when it feels like it is.

The aches and pains of my body really hit me as the shock and adrenaline from the insane things I'd been through wore off. Slowly, I felt my body relax, but I still couldn't sleep.

Not whilst knowing that the boys who'd tried to do those horrible things were so close, and not even properly locked up. Certainly not whilst knowing that there were horrible, deadly, bloodthirsty monsters lurking just outside the Walls, waiting for one of my friends to not make it back in time. Not whilst knowing that Gally, the one person in the world that I needed right now, was mad at me.

Before I knew it I was crying again, but this time my eyes were dry. There were no tears in me left to come out. My sobs came to a startled stop when the door creaked open.

"Who's..." My voice croaked out and I couldn't finish asking who was there. I was wishing deep down that it wasn't Gally just yet.

"It's Minho." He smiled at me as he entered. I gave him a look that said 'why are you here?'. I was unsure whether or not he could tell I'd been crying.

"Gally sent me to talk to you. Clint as well, actually. I heard about what happened, Shebean." Minho said softly as if not to upset me. For some reason, talking about it made my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"Clint?" I rasped in question, slowly rising to a sitting position. He probably needed help with Alby.

"He, uh, he sent me to check on you. You know, make sure you're alright, after everything." He admitted. "Gally wanted me to talk to you, too. He's worried, but he's not sure he'd be... the best person to help you with this."

"I'm okay." I managed, my voice burning me to use and I swallowed hard. He stared at me for a second, deciding whether or not I was lying, then seemed to conclude that I was not.

"Alright. Promise to talk to someone if you start to get not okay?" He asked, to which I nodded sincerely. He smiled.

"Get--" I stopped to cough, trying to stop the sensation of fire coming up my throat but it only got worse with each cough. I wanted Gally.

"Water?" Minho guessed. I shook my head through another gulping swallow. "Gally?" He tried again. I nodded and laid back in relief. He disappeared from the doorway and I laid on my back, willing the pain in my body to go away.

After a few minutes, Gally's thundering footsteps made their way up the stairs. I planned to apologize and attempt to tell him that I was going to try to stay out of trouble from now on.

I prepared myself for a continuation of his anger, but no such thing occurred. He walked straight in, kicked off his shoes and climbed right under the covers with me.

I gave him a confused look, to which he grabbed my waist, flipped me around to face the wall and pulled my back against his chest. My attempts to turn back around were futile. His large hand on my waist was unmoving, so eventually I gave up. The stiffness of his body gave away that he was nervous, and it took him a while to wrangle the courage to speak.

"Look, (Y/N). I'm sorry for yelling and shaking you earlier. I seriously didn't mean it. I was just so scared of losing you. Are you mad?" He finally allowed me to roll over and face him. Immediately, I cradled his face in my hand. I shook my head seriously, very confused about his mood change.

"That's so good to hear. You know, I still don't know why you chose me, of all people. I mean, you've got a Glade full of guys who would do anything you asked just to be where I am. Yet, you still choose grumpy, angry, violent ol' me." He chuckled.

I didn't find it funny at all and tried to muster up a refute that came out as a croak. He stopped laughing when he saw my struggle to speak, his whole demeanor changing.

"Hey, don't try to talk if it hurts that much." His expression was now equally as serious as mine. I didn't like that I was unable to tell him how amazing he was before he changed the subject. "Has it gotten that much worse? Maybe we should go see Clint." I flopped back dramatically and threw a hand over my face in feign exasperation.

"We'll go in the morning, then?" He relented with an amused half-smile that made me grin. He got up to change into his pajamas and I did too. The clothes I'd been wearing were the ones from Minho, and they looked like they'd been through a cheese grater from being ripped by the Doors.

Stiff and sore in my motions, I managed to get the pajama pants on but was too sore to wrestle my shirt on. After watching two of my frustrated attempts, Gally helped me pull the oversized shirt over my head.

I gave him a grateful look and could see in his eyes how much seeing me injured hurt him. We climbed into bed and I snuggled into Gally's side, drawing shapes on his bare stomach with my fingers to calm his mind, and honestly mine too. I was glad today was finally over.

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