29 || Crazy Talk

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This chapter is in honor of this story hitting 150k reads as well as me reaching 100 followers! You guys continue to blow my mind and I could not be more grateful for all of your kind words about my writing.

On that note, I will be finally getting my rescue dog that I've waited months for tomorrow! As he will likely require my full attention, I might not be on Wattpad for a few days. Sorry to keep you guys waiting even more.

IMPORTANT TO THE STORY: For the purposes of this story, things did not go exactly like in the books/movies in terms of before they were sent into the maze (you'll find out more as you read).
For those of you who haven't read at least the first Mazerunner book, a lot of what will happen in a few chapters might not make sense to you so I recommend that you at least Google some cliffnotes about how they escaped the Maze in book one.
Also, Gally is not being controlled by anyone nor does he have any idea what is outside the Maze like he originally did. Sorry to those who don't like him as a regular Glader.

If you have questions about all of that feel free to comment them and I'll answer as best I can.

TW: none.

My morning was going peacefully up until breakfast. Gally and I woke up in pretty much the same position we'd fallen asleep in: me cuddled into his side and his arm around me. The first thing we both smelled when we woke up was bacon, and we were out of bed immediately.

Gally had to help me once again with my shirt. The bruises on my neck and arms combined still prohibited me from lifting my hands above my head without excruciating pain. Luckily, he didn't seem to be bothered by helping me.

We both waited in the bathroom line in silence as I really couldn't speak at all. My voice was getting better, but not as fast as I wished it was. As soon as we walked into the Dining Hall, Minho all but sprinted over to us.

"Where have you guys been? Newt's been looking for you." He scolded. Gally apologized for us both and explained that we'd just been taking our turns in the bathroom. Before Gally could pry about the situation, Newt had found us.

"There you are! Come with me, both of you." He instructed us in a hushed voice. Gally and I exchanged a worried look but proceeded to follow him anyways. Newt, along with Minho, led us out of the Homestead and towards the Med Hut. I could feel my body's physical disappointment when I realized that all the bacon would probably be gone by the time we got back.

"What's going on, Newt?" Inquired Gally impatiently. Newt turned to face us as he walked and that's when I noticed the purple bags under his eyes.

"Last night Alby went through the Changing. It was... brutal, to say the least. But he's awake now, and he seems calm. We don't know what's going on. No one has ever gone through the Changing and come out the other side anywhere near sane; you saw what happened with Ben. Yet, today Alby woke up completely civilized, asking to speak to you, (Y/N)."

My stomach started to twist into a knot. I had been told briefly what the Changing was after Ben. Once someone was stung, the Changing would start. It never lasted more than a day. 

Once it was complete, the person became unreasonable and violent, always fixated on some made up conspiracy. The proof of these behaviors were the hand-shaped bruises on my neck. If the Griever sting had made Ben hunt down Thomas, was that why Alby was looking for me?

I ran out of time to contemplate the situation as we entered the Med Hut. Alby was strapped down onto one of the cots and the sadness that radiated off of him was indescribable. Without context, one might've thought his entire family had just been killed in front of him.

"(Y/N)?" Alby questioned as I walked in. I wanted to help him in any way I could, so I sat down on the foot of his bed. I may have only met him briefly, but no one deserves to be this anguished.

"(Y/N), thank God. You're the Glade's only hope. You were the only one who ever stood up to them. You and your shuck-stupid boyfriend, Gally. Please, (Y/N), please. You have to get them out. All of them! You're the only one who can. You have to go into the Maze and find it." Alby's accent appeared to be gone. The strangeness of it gave me chills. It was like someone else was in his body.

His announcement alarmed everyone in the room. I gave Minho a confused look. He was the only Runner in the room, after all. If Alby was talking about a way out in the Maze, he would have the best chance of knowing about it. But this all had to be just post-Changing delusions, right?

"Alby, what are you talking about? We've been searching for a way out for years. I've mapped every inch of that Maze. If there was a way out, I would have found it." Minho brought some sense to the conversation.

"Oh, Minho. No one can find it but her. She's the only one who's got it in her head. After all, it was her idea, all those years ago." Alby had a dangerous gleam in his eye as he spoke.

"You mean she's one of the Creators?" Minho scoffed in disbelief, stepping away from me.

"Oh, don't be like that, Minho. She had her memory wiped just like the rest of us. She's not who she was before. None of us are! Do I look like Glade Alby to you now that I remember my old life?" Alby snapped, pulling against his restraints in frustration.

"You remember everything?" Newt practically gasped. I was dying to ask Alby every question I had about everything but knew that I couldn't speak if I tried.

"Yes, I do. And I can say that I don't ever want any of you to remember! It's all just suffering. It's horrible, Newt. All the  things in my head..." Tears streamed freely from Alby's eyes.

"You just said that she created the way out. What does that mean?" Minho forced Alby back on track, too absorbed by the question to comfort his friends.

"I didn't say she created it. I said it was her idea. Just like everything in this Godless place is all of our ideas! Those stupid WICKED scientists gave us silly word problems and then turned our answers into our own living hell!" He began to practically foam at the mouth with sudden rage. "Those shucking child-snatchers! Shuck those cruel, murdering psychos!" He was wriggling around in the cot so hard it was about to tip.

Clint and Jeff forced us out of the MedHut as they sedated Alby. I had so many more questions. So many of his warnings and pleas were things I couldn't process without more information. I wanted to beg my fellow Medjacks for just two more minutes with him but I couldn't get a single word out of my stupid, broken throat. He held all the answers everyone here had been craving for years.

He knew who we all were before the Maze.

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