9 || Tour Guide's Invite

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Newt helped me find Gally, who was hammering nails into a plank on the side of a small hut when we approached him. Newt cleared his throat causing Gally to stop hammering and turn to face us.

"What do you—Oh, right, I volunteered for the tour, didn't I?" He seemed to remember only as soon as he met my eyes. Newt tensed in irritation.

"Yeah. You did. Stealing my job now, are we?" Newt tried to joke, but it came out sounding completely serious. Gally stared him down for a second before looking back to me.

"I guess I am, Newt. Since you're so eager to take it back, I should probably get started with it." Gally replied, placing his hammer and nail box down on the grass and wiping his hands on his pants. Newt rolled his eyes and jogged off.

"So, Shebean, this-" he gestured to the area all around him "-as you already know, is called the Glade."

I followed him around as he showed me various places in the enclosed area. When he explained the concept of Grievers to me, he tried to make it sound over exaggerated like a bedtime story so that the idea itself was less frightening. I was still a little unnerved by them. He saw this and quickly tried to change topics, but I had a question for him.

"Why didn't I hear them last night?" I asked. He had described their sound as a 'scream' that you could hear even in the Glade. 

"The storm was probably loud enough to drown it out..." He trailed off, sounding like he wanted to ask something but decided against it. I was pretty sure I had a good idea of what he was going to ask: By the way, are you afraid of storms? Why did you shriek at the thunder? How could you be afraid of just a sound?

"Makes sense." I concluded before he could rediscover the courage to ask me anything about last night. I did not want to talk about my fear of thunderstorms. Maybe just for now, maybe forever. He took the cue to drop the subject.

As we continued around the Glade, he introduced me to many others, mainly Keepers: Clint, Jeff, Zart, Frypan (who's name I recognized from last night, mentally noting to ask Newt later about what had happened), Ben, Jack and Winston.

"Has anyone told you about the bonfire tonight?" He asked almost absently as we walked from one place to another. He casually slid his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah, Minho was telling me a bit about it. The drinking, the relaxing, the fighting circle—which I hear is where you tend to spend your time." I noted. He nodded.

"Yeah, I am usually the first name that comes to mind when the others think of the Fighting Circle. Probably because I have only lost a handful of times. You should come watch some of the fighting tonight." He suggested. The amount of hope in his voice surprised me.

"Sure, I guess I could watch a few fights." I teasingly sounded exasperated so that he wouldn't be excited and watching for me the whole time. I knew that I would be there, however, and probably for a while. 

Our next stop was the house, he told me was called the Homestead. He showed me around inside, eventually getting to the spot between his and Newt's doors. He exaggeratedly explained which was which, pronouncing each syllable like I was half deaf.

"I know which is which now." I defended myself, a smile igniting on my face. He chuckled as we moved on. Eventually we reached the end of the tour.

"Alright, Shebean, I think that's it. I'm supposed to take you to Zart now. Alby said that he wanted to switch it up, usually Greenies go to the Bloodhouse first. He thought making you slaughter an animal on your first day would be too much for you." He told me. I furrowed my eyebrows, disliking the unequal treatment even if it was in my favor.

"Thanks for volunteering to give me the tour." I thanked him. He nodded, his eyes gleaming with a sliver of pride.

"Yeah, of course." He muttered dismissively. He walked me out to the Gardens, where he handed me off to Zart like I was a child who needed to be babysat.

"Well, (Y/N), you ready to get some dirt under those pretty-girl nails of yours?" Zart snarked at me once Gally had left.

"Actually, I was just waiting on you to cut the sexism crap." I snapped back, glaring at him. I could already tell that I didn't like him.

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