25 || Heartbroken and Bruised

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I am writing this story as a mix of the books and the movie because I think that fits my ideas better. I don't plan to stick exactly to the original plot either. And for the sake of this story, let's pretend that Gally never got stung.

Also, I saw @kennysspiderballs TikTok about this fanfic today and it literally made my day. The idea that real human beings can see this blows my mind. Thank you all so so much.

I know I haven't put these before but some people were requesting that I do it at the start of each chapter so, TW: violence in this chapter.

Gally and I woke up a mess of tangled limbs. He woke up first and had to wake me up just to be able to get up. I felt particularly gross because I hadn't gotten up to wash my face and get ready for bed like I'd planned to. Gally didn't seem to care, planting kisses all over my face as we both got ready for the day.

I went to put on the clean outfit from Minho-- which consisted of some loose but warm sweatpants and a grey t-shirt-- but Gally offered me one of his shirts instead. The hoodie I'd been borrowing from him was overdue for a wash, so having something else that smells like him would help me finally get the willpower to clean it.

While I was in the food line at breakfast, I saw that Thomas was sitting at the same table as Zart and his friends. They were all leaned in laughing about something. I wanted to smack Thomas in the head and yell 'how could you do this to Newt?' as loudly as I could.

Chuck sat alone at our table, as neither Newt or Minho were anywhere to be seen. Minho was out running today so I didn't expect to see him, but Newt being gone was concerning. I went and sat with Chuck mostly out of pity. Only once I reached the table could I see that he was practically staring Thomas down.

"He's such a shank." Chuck spat the second I sat down. His hostility surprised me. I didn't think I'd ever heard him swear before.

"Chuck!" I reprimanded him, finally causing him to break his death stare.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N), but he is!" He argued, his pudgy little cheeks turning red in anger. "How could he be hanging out with Zart instead of us? Especially after what he did to Newt!"

"What exactly happened last night, Chuck?" I prompted. His demeanor changed from rage to sorrow.

"Thomas admitted to Newt that he doesn't love him anymore. He said that he's just been with Newt to distract himself from the fact that you're interested in someone else." Chuck admitted quietly.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. How could any person be so cruel? It's not like he was in love with me, he just liked seeing a female body. Hormones make people do awful things.

"Where is Newt?" I asked stiffly. Chuck told me that he was most likely up in his room and I excused myself from the table. After climbing the stairs, I approached his room and knocked gently on the door.

"Bugger off!" Came Newt's angry shout. I sighed to myself as I turned the doorknob. Thankfully, it was unlocked.

"I said go away!" He repeated as the door swung open. I spotted him sitting on the floor and leaning his back against his bed. The room was a mess. Clothes were all over the floor and there were crumpled tissues and scraps of paper scattered in a pile near a makeshift garbage bin.

"Oh, Newt." I sighed upon seeing his puffy red eyes. This only caused him to cry more. I shut the door behind me and sat down cautiously beside him, unsure of whether or not he was mad at me. He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him back and wished that I could take all of his pain away.

"I'm sorry." I said softly. I could feel his heartbreak so much it was suffocating me.

"It's not your fault-" he paused to sniffle "-It's Tommy's! What an idiot was I to fall for him when all he can think about is sex?" He nearly shouted.

"This isn't your fault, Newt." I explained with sympathy. He grumbled something unintelligible at me angrily. After a short time of silence, Newt pulled away from me and reached over to grab a clean tissue to wipe his face.

His stomach growling eventually broke the silence. This resulted in him deciding that it was a good idea for him to go get some food but he changed his mind after I warned him about Thomas sitting at Zart's table.

It being the least I could do, I offered to bring some food up to his room for him. He accepted my offer easily and within five minutes I had delivered his favorite foods to his room on a tray and left him in peace to eat.

The rest of the morning was pretty calm. I was comfortable sitting and eating breakfast with just Chuck as Zart seemed pretty distracted with chatting up Thomas. After that, I made my way over to the MedHut where Clint agreed to cover for me so that I could go wash Gally's hoodie.

When I got back it was on to the usual patching-up-scrapes routine until just before lunch when Minho and Ben came running into the Glade shouting for Alby. This drew most Gladers' attention to them, myself included.

We all watched silently as Alby heard them and ran over to meet them in the open grassy area. They were just out of earshot from me but their expressions looked almost afraid. After some debate, Minho and Alby sprinted back into the Maze and Ben jogged over to the Homestead looking dazed.

After some pressuring from Clint and Jeff, I found myself assigned the task of going to find out the big news from Ben. He was in the Homestead when I found him, sitting alone at a table in the otherwise empty Dining Room.

"Hey Ben, what was that all about? You and Minho have the rest of us nervous with how terrified you both looked." I joked in a playful tone. He didn't respond, sitting silent and still.

"Ben?" I reached out and rested a cautious hand on his shoulder to get his attention. Faster than my brain could keep up, he grabbed my wrist and spun himself around as he stood up. His grip was definitely going to leave a mark. We were facing each other now, only mere inches apart.

"Ben, what are you doing?" My voice was firm and full of warning.

"Where is Thomas? Do you know where he is? I need to find him." He practically gasped. There was heavy layer of sweat forming on his forehead and his skin was sickly pale.

"What's wrong with you? Are you feeling okay?" I tried to put my free hand to his forehead to check him for a fever but he caught me by the wrist again and shoved me backwards hard. I stumbled and fell into a table which I tried unsuccessfully to grab and ended up on my butt. Though, I was back on my feet in record time.

"Where is Thomas?" His voice had become a growl as he started towards me. I backed up quickly but not quick enough. Only half of my scream came out, as I was cut off by his hands around my throat.

My attempts at kicking him away only made him angrier. He slammed me against the wall and lifted me high enough that my feet dangled below me.

Everything started to get dark and splotchy and my head felt like it was inflating. I began violently flailing my limbs and trying to aim my nails towards his face. My vision was fleeing rapidly and I was sure that my consciousness would soon follow.

He didn't have the time to finish killing me, however, as it all came to an end with a loud PANG!

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